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DeepCTR is a Easy-to-use, Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models along with lots of core components layers which can be used to easily build custom models.You can use any complex model with model.fit() ,and model.predict() .

Some related projects:

Let's Get Started!(Chinese Introduction) and welcome to join us!

Models List

Convolutional Click Prediction Model[CIKM 2015]A Convolutional Click Prediction Model
Factorization-supported Neural Network[ECIR 2016]Deep Learning over Multi-field Categorical Data: A Case Study on User Response Prediction
Product-based Neural Network[ICDM 2016]Product-based neural networks for user response prediction
Wide & Deep[DLRS 2016]Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems
DeepFM[IJCAI 2017]DeepFM: A Factorization-Machine based Neural Network for CTR Prediction
Piece-wise Linear Model[arxiv 2017]Learning Piece-wise Linear Models from Large Scale Data for Ad Click Prediction
Deep & Cross Network[ADKDD 2017]Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Predictions
Attentional Factorization Machine[IJCAI 2017]Attentional Factorization Machines: Learning the Weight of Feature Interactions via Attention Networks
Neural Factorization Machine[SIGIR 2017]Neural Factorization Machines for Sparse Predictive Analytics
xDeepFM[KDD 2018]xDeepFM: Combining Explicit and Implicit Feature Interactions for Recommender Systems
Deep Interest Network[KDD 2018]Deep Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction
AutoInt[CIKM 2019]AutoInt: Automatic Feature Interaction Learning via Self-Attentive Neural Networks
Deep Interest Evolution Network[AAAI 2019]Deep Interest Evolution Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction
FwFM[WWW 2018]Field-weighted Factorization Machines for Click-Through Rate Prediction in Display Advertising
ONN[arxiv 2019]Operation-aware Neural Networks for User Response Prediction
FGCNN[WWW 2019]Feature Generation by Convolutional Neural Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction
Deep Session Interest Network[IJCAI 2019]Deep Session Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction
FiBiNET[RecSys 2019]FiBiNET: Combining Feature Importance and Bilinear feature Interaction for Click-Through Rate Prediction
FLEN[arxiv 2019]FLEN: Leveraging Field for Scalable CTR Prediction
BST[DLP-KDD 2019]Behavior sequence transformer for e-commerce recommendation in Alibaba
IFM[IJCAI 2019]An Input-aware Factorization Machine for Sparse Prediction
DCN V2[arxiv 2020]DCN V2: Improved Deep & Cross Network and Practical Lessons for Web-scale Learning to Rank Systems
DIFM[IJCAI 2020]A Dual Input-aware Factorization Machine for CTR Prediction
FEFM and DeepFEFM[arxiv 2020]Field-Embedded Factorization Machines for Click-through rate prediction
SharedBottom[arxiv 2017]An Overview of Multi-Task Learning in Deep Neural Networks
ESMM[SIGIR 2018]Entire Space Multi-Task Model: An Effective Approach for Estimating Post-Click Conversion Rate
MMOE[KDD 2018]Modeling Task Relationships in Multi-task Learning with Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts
PLE[RecSys 2020]Progressive Layered Extraction (PLE): A Novel Multi-Task Learning (MTL) Model for Personalized Recommendations
EDCN[KDD 2021]Enhancing Explicit and Implicit Feature Interactions via Information Sharing for Parallel Deep CTR Models


If you find this code useful in your research, please cite it using the following BibTeX:

  author = {Weichen Shen},
  title = {DeepCTR: Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models},
  year = {2017},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub Repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/shenweichen/deepctr}},


公众号:浅梦学习笔记微信:deepctrbot学习小组 加入 主题集合

Main contributors(welcome to join us!)

<table border="0"> <tbody> <tr align="center" > <td> ​ <a href="https://github.com/shenweichen"><img width="70" height="70" src="https://github.com/shenweichen.png?s=40" alt="pic"></a><br> ​ <a href="https://github.com/shenweichen">Shen Weichen</a> ​ <p> Alibaba Group </p>​ </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/zanshuxun"><img width="70" height="70" src="https://github.com/zanshuxun.png?s=40" alt="pic"></a><br> <a href="https://github.com/zanshuxun">Zan Shuxun</a> ​ <p>Alibaba Group </p>​ </td> <td> ​ <a href="https://github.com/pandeconscious"><img width="70" height="70" src="https://github.com/pandeconscious.png?s=40" alt="pic"></a><br> ​ <a href="https://github.com/pandeconscious">Harshit Pande</a> <p> Amazon </p>​ </td> <td> ​ <a href="https://github.com/morningsky"><img width="70" height="70" src="https://github.com/morningsky.png?s=40" alt="pic"></a><br> ​ <a href="https://github.com/morningsky">Lai Mincai</a> <p> ByteDance </p>​ </td> <td> ​ <a href="https://github.com/codewithzichao"><img width="70" height="70" src="https://github.com/codewithzichao.png?s=40" alt="pic"></a><br> ​ <a href="https://github.com/codewithzichao">Li Zichao</a> <p> ByteDance </p>​ </td> <td> ​ <a href="https://github.com/TanTingyi"><img width="70" height="70" src="https://github.com/TanTingyi.png?s=40" alt="pic"></a><br> <a href="https://github.com/TanTingyi">Tan Tingyi</a> <p> Chongqing University <br> of Posts and <br> Telecommunications </p>​ </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>