

brename: batch renaming safely

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brename is a cross-platform command-line tool for safely batch renaming files/directories via regular expression.

<img src="screenshot/success.png" width="700"/>

Table of Contents

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brename is implemented in Go programming language, executable binary files for most popular operating systems are freely available in release page.

Method 1: Download binaries

brename v2.14.0 Github Releases (by Release)

Tip: run brename -V to check update !!!

OSArchFile, 中国镜像Download Count
Linux32-bitbrename_linux_386.tar.gz,<br/> 中国镜像Github Releases (by Asset)
Linux64-bitbrename_linux_amd64.tar.gz,<br/> 中国镜像Github Releases (by Asset)
Linuxarm64brename_linux_arm64.tar.gz,<br/> 中国镜像Github Releases (by Asset)
OS X64-bitbrename_darwin_amd64.tar.gz,<br/> 中国镜像Github Releases (by Asset)
OS Xarm64brename_darwin_arm64.tar.gz,<br/> 中国镜像Github Releases (by Asset)
Windows32-bitbrename_windows_386.exe.tar.gz,<br/> 中国镜像Github Releases (by Asset)
Windows64-bitbrename_windows_amd64.exe.tar.gz,<br/> 中国镜像Github Releases (by Asset)

Just download compressed executable file of your operating system, and decompress it with tar -zxvf *.tar.gz command or other tools. And then:

  1. For Linux-like systems

    1. If you have root privilege simply copy it to /usr/local/bin:

       sudo cp brename /usr/local/bin/
    2. Or copy to anywhere in the environment variable PATH:

       mkdir -p $HOME/bin/; cp brename $HOME/bin/
  2. For windows, just copy brename.exe to C:\WINDOWS\system32.

Method 2: For Go developer

go get -u github.com/shenwei356/brename/

Method 3: For ArchLinux AUR users

yaourt -S brename

Method 4: For Scoop users

scoop install brename

Method 5: Compiling from source

# download Go from https://go.dev/dl
wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.17.13.linux-amd64.tar.gz

tar -zxf go1.17.13.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C $HOME/

# or 
#   echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
#   source ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin

git clone https://github.com/shenwei356/brename
cd brename

go build

# or statically-linked binary
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags netgo -ldflags '-w -s'

# or cross compile for other operating systems and architectures
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 go build -tags netgo -ldflags '-w -s'


brename: a practical cross-platform command-line tool for safely batch renaming files/directories via regular expression

Version: 2.14.0

Author: Wei Shen <shenwei356@gmail.com>

Homepage: https://github.com/shenwei356/brename

  1. The path in file systems like FAT32 or NTFS is case-insensitive, so you should switch on the flag
     -w/--case-insensitive-path to correctly check file overwrites.
  2. The flag -w/--case-insensitive-path is switched on by default on Windows, please use
     -W/--case-sensitive-path to disable it if the file system is indeed case-sensitive.
  3. New paths ending with periods of spaces, being error-prone, are not allowed.

Three path filters:

  1. -S/--skip-filters       black list     default value: ^\. (skipping paths starting with ".")
  2. -F/--exclude-filters    black list     no default value
  3. -f/--include-filters    white list     default value: .   (anything)

  1. Paths starting with "." are ignored by default, disable this with -S "".
  2. These options support multiple values, e.g., -f ".html" -f ".htm".
     But ATTENTION: each comma in filters is treated as a separator of multiple filters.
     Please use double quotation marks for patterns containing comma, e.g., -p '"A{2,}"'
  3. The three filters are performed in order of -S, -F, -f.
  4. -F/--exclude-filters is prefered for excluding path, cause it has no default value.
     Setting -S/--skip-filters will overwrite its default value.

Special replacement symbols:

  {nr}    Ascending integer
  {kv}    Corresponding value of the key (captured variable $n) by key-value file,
          n can be specified by flag -I/--key-capt-idx (default: 1)

Special cases of replacement string:
 *1. Capture variables should be in the format of '${1}' to reduce errors.
    a). If the capture variable is followed with space or other simple, it's OK:
            -r '$1 abc'
    b). If followed by numbers, characters, or underscore. That is ambiguous:
            -r '$1abc' actually refers to the variable '1abc', please use '${1}abc'.
            -r '$2_$1' actually refers to the variable '2_', please use '${2}_${1}'.
  2. Want to replace with a character '$',
    a). If using '{kv}', you need use '$$$$' instead of a single '$':
            -r '{kv}' -k <(sed 's/\$/$$$$/' kv.txt)
    b). If not, use '$$'. e.g., adding '$' to all numbers:
            -p '(\d+)' -d -r '$$${1}'

  brename [flags]

  1. dry run and showing potential dangerous operations (-d)
      brename -p "abc" -d
  2. dry run and only show operations that will cause error (-v)
      brename -p "abc" -d -v 2
  3. only renaming specific paths via include filters (-f)
      brename -p ":" -r "-" -f ".htm$" -f ".html$"
  4. renaming all .jpeg files to .jpg in all subdirectories (-R)
      brename -p "\.jpeg" -r ".jpg" -R   dir
  5. using capture variables, e.g., $1, $2 ...
      brename -p "(a)" -r "\$1\$1"
      or brename -p "(a)" -r '$1$1' in Linux/Mac OS X
  6. renaming directory too (-D)
      brename -p ":" -r "-" -R -D   pdf-dirs
  7. using key-value file (-k)
      brename -p "(.+)" -r "{kv}" -k kv.tsv
  8. do not touch file extension (-e)
      brename -p ".+" -r "{nr}" -f .mkv -f .mp4 -e
  9. only list paths that match pattern (-l)
      brename -i -f '.docx?$' -p . -R -l
  10. undo the LAST successful operation (-u)
      brename -u
  11. disable undo if you do not want to create .brename_detail.txt (-x)
      brename -p xxx -r yyy -x
  12. clear/remove all .brename_detail.txt files (--clear)
      brename --clear -R
  13. also operate on hidden files: empty -S (default: ^\.)
      brename -p xxx -r yyy -S ""

  More examples: https://github.com/shenwei356/brename

  -w, --case-insensitive-path     the file system (e.g., FAT32 or NTFS) is case-insensitive. It's
                                  automatically swiched on on Windows
  -W, --case-sensitive-path       believing that the file system is case-sensitive. Please use this to
                                  disable the flag -w/--case-insensitive-path, which is switched on by
                                  default on Windows
      --clear                     remove all .brename_detail.txt" file, you may need to add
                                  -R/--recursive to recursively clear all files in the given path
  -x, --disable-undo              do not create .brename_detail.txt file for undo
  -d, --dry-run                   print rename operations but do not run
  -F, --exclude-filters strings   exclude file filter(s) (regular expression, NOT wildcard). multiple
                                  values supported, e.g., -F ".html" -F ".htm", but ATTENTION: each
                                  comma in the filter is treated as the separator of multiple filters,
                                  please use double quotation marks for patterns containing comma, e.g.,
                                  -p '"A{2,}"'
  -U, --force-undo                continue undo even when some operations failed
  -h, --help                      help for brename
  -i, --ignore-case               ignore case of -p/--pattern, -f/--include-filters and -F/--exclude-filters
  -E, --ignore-err                ignore director reading errors
  -e, --ignore-ext                ignore file extension. i.e., replacement does not change file extension
  -f, --include-filters strings   include file filter(s) (regular expression, NOT wildcard). multiple
                                  values supported, e.g., -f ".html" -f ".htm", but ATTENTION: each
                                  comma in the filter is treated as the separator of multiple filters,
                                  please use double quotation marks for patterns containing comma, e.g.,
                                  -p '"A{2,}"' (default [.])
  -D, --including-dir             rename directories
  -K, --keep-key                  keep the key as value when no value found for the key
  -I, --key-capt-idx int          capture variable index of key (1-based) (default 1)
  -m, --key-miss-repl string      replacement for key with no corresponding value
  -k, --kv-file string            tab-delimited key-value file for replacing key with value when using
                                  "{kv}" in -r (--replacement)
  -l, --list                      only list paths that match pattern
  -a, --list-abs                  list absolute path, using along with -l/--list
  -s, --list-sep string           separator for list of found paths (default "\n")
      --max-depth int             maximum depth for recursive search (0 for no limit)
  -N, --nature-sort               list paths in nature sort, using along with -l/--list
      --nr-width int              minimum width for {nr} in flag -r/--replacement. e.g., formating "1"
                                  to "001" by --nr-width 3 (default 1)
      --only-dir                  only rename directories
  -o, --overwrite-mode int        overwrite mode (0 for reporting error, 1 for overwrite, 2 for not
                                  renaming) (default 0)
  -p, --pattern string            search pattern (regular expression)
  -q, --quiet                     be quiet, do not show any information and warning
  -R, --recursive                 rename recursively
  -r, --replacement string        replacement. capture variables supported.  e.g. $1 or ${1} (prefered)
                                  represents the first submatch. ATTENTION: for *nix OS, use SINGLE
                                  quote NOT double quotes or use the \ escape character. Ascending
                                  integer is also supported by "{nr}"
  -S, --skip-filters strings      skip file filter(s) (regular expression, NOT wildcard). multiple
                                  values supported, e.g., -S "^\." for skipping files starting with a
                                  dot, but ATTENTION: each comma in the filter is treated as the
                                  separator of multiple filters, please use double quotation marks for
                                  patterns containing comma, e.g., -p '"A{2,}"' (default [^\.])
  -n, --start-num int             starting number when using {nr} in replacement (default 1)
  -u, --undo                      undo the LAST successful operation
  -v, --verbose int               verbose level (0 for all, 1 for warning, error and renamed files, 2
                                  for only error and renamed files) (default 2)
  -V, --version                   print version information and check for update


Take a directory for example (run generate-example-folder.sh to generate)

$ sh generate-example-folder.sh 
├── abc
│   ├── A.JPEG
│   ├── B.HTM
│   └── B.JPEG
├── a.html
├── a.jpeg
└── b.jpeg

# examples below were executed in directory: example
cd example/
  1. Recursively renaming all .jpeg files to .jpg in all subdirectories (-R/--recursive). A dry run is firstly performed for safety checking (-d/--dry-run).

     $ brename -p "\.jpeg" -r ".jpg" -R -d
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] example/a.jpeg -> example/a.jpg
       [OK] example/b.jpeg -> example/b.jpg
     2 path(s) to be renamed
     $ brename -p "\.jpeg" -r ".jpg" -R
     Searching for paths to rename...
       Done searching.
     Renaming paths...
       [DONE] example/a.jpeg -> example/a.jpg
       [DONE] example/b.jpeg -> example/b.jpg
     2 path(s) renamed in 0.001 seconds
     $ tree
     ├── abc
     │   ├── A.JPEG
     │   ├── B.HTM
     │   └── B.JPEG
     ├── a.html
     ├── a.jpg
     └── b.jpg
  2. Undo the LAST successful operation, yes it's COOL! (-u/--undo, -U/--force-undo)

     $ brename -u
     Renaming paths back...
       [DONE] example/b.jpg -> example/b.jpeg
       [DONE] example/a.jpg -> example/a.jpeg
     2 path(s) renamed back in 0.000 seconds

    Disable undo if you do not want to create .brename_detail.txt (-x)

     $ brename -p xxx -r yyy -x

    Clear/remove all .brename_detail.txt files (--clear)

     $ brename --clear -R
  3. Dry run, only showing operations that will cause error (just remove -d).

     # default value of -v is 0
     $ brename -p a -r b -R -D -d
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] a.html -> b.html
       [new path existed] a.jpeg -> b.jpeg
       [OK] abc -> bbc
     1 potential error(s) detected, please check
     $ brename -p a -r b -R -D
     Searching for paths to rename...
       Done searching.
       [new path existed] example/a.jpeg -> example/b.jpeg
     1 potential error(s) detected, please check
  4. Ignoring cases (-i/--ignore-case)

     $ brename -p "\.jpeg" -r ".jpg" -R -i
     Searching for paths to rename...
       Done searching.
     Renaming paths...
       [DONE] abc/A.JPEG -> abc/A.jpg
       [DONE] abc/B.JPEG -> abc/B.jpg
     2 path(s) renamed in 0.000 seconds
     $ tree
     ├── abc
     │   ├── A.jpg
     │   ├── B.HTM
     │   └── B.jpg
     ├── a.html
     ├── a.jpg
     └── b.jpg
  5. Using capture variables, e.g., $1, $2 ...

     # or brename -p "(a)" -r '$1$1' in Linux/Mac OS X
     $ brename -p "(a)" -r "\$1\$1" -i
     Searching for paths to rename...
       Done searching.
     Renaming paths...
       [DONE] a.html -> aa.html
       [DONE] a.jpg -> aa.jpg
     2 path(s) renamed in 0.000 seconds
     $ tree
     ├── aa.html
     ├── aa.jpg
     ├── abc
     │   ├── A.jpg
     │   ├── B.HTM
     │   └── B.jpg
     └── b.jpg
  6. Renaming directory too (-D/--including-dir), even renaming directory only (-D --only-dir)

     $ brename -p "a" -r "A" -R -D
     Searching for paths to rename...
       Done searching.
     Renaming paths...
       [DONE] aa.html -> AA.html
       [DONE] aa.jpg -> AA.jpg
       [DONE] abc -> Abc
     3 path(s) renamed in 0.001 seconds
     $ tree
     ├── AA.html
     ├── AA.jpg
     ├── Abc
     │   ├── A.jpg
     │   ├── B.HTM
     │   └── B.jpg
     └── b.jpg
  7. Only renaming specific files via include filters (regular expression) (-f/--include-filters)

     $ brename -p '(.)' -r ' $1' -d
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] AA.html ->  A A . h t m l
       [OK] AA.jpg ->  A A . j p g
       [OK] b.jpg ->  b . j p g
     3 path(s) to be renamed
     $ brename -p '(.)' -r ' $1' -d -f '\.jpg$'
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] AA.jpg ->  A A . j p g
       [OK] b.jpg ->  b . j p g
     2 path(s) to be renamed

    Attention: value of -f/--include-filters and -F/--exclude-filters should be regular expression, NOT wildcard!

     $ brename -p '(.)' -r '$1 ' -d -f *.jpg
     Seems you are using wildcard for -f/--include-filters? Make sure using regular expression: AA.jpg
     Searching for paths to rename...
     0 path(s) to be renamed
     $ brename -p '(.)' -r '$1 ' -d -f '*.jpg'
     Are you using wildcard for -f/--include-filters? It should be regular expression: *.jpg
     illegal regular expression for include filter: *.jpg
     $ brename -p '(.)' -r '$1 ' -d -f A*
     Seems you are using wildcard for -f/--include-filters? Make sure using regular expression: AA.html
     Searching for paths to rename...
     0 path(s) to be renamed
  8. Excluding files via exclude filters (regular expression) (-F/--exclude-filters)

     $ brename -p '(.)' -r ' $1' -d
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] AA.html ->  A A . h t m l
       [OK] AA.jpg ->  A A . j p g
       [OK] b.jpg ->  b . j p g
     3 path(s) to be renamed
     $ brename -p '(.)' -r ' $1' -d -F '\.html$'
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] AA.jpg ->  A A . j p g
       [OK] b.jpg ->  b . j p g
     2 path(s) to be renamed
  9. Skipping files via skip filter (regular expression) (-S/--skip-filters). This filter step is performed before the exclude filters. The default value ^\. is for skipping files starting with dot, which are hidden configuration files in Linux. If you do not want to skip these paths, just empty it.

     $ brename -p xxx -r yyy -S ""
  10. Do not touch file extension (-e/--ignore-ext)

     $ brename -p '(.)' -r ' $1' -d
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] AA.html ->  A A . h t m l
       [OK] AA.jpg ->  A A . j p g
       [OK] b.jpg ->  b . j p g
     3 path(s) to be renamed
     $ brename -p '(.)' -r ' $1' -d -e
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] AA.html ->  A A.html
       [OK] AA.jpg ->  A A.jpg
       [OK] b.jpg ->  b.jpg
     3 path(s) to be renamed
  11. Renaming with number (-r {nr})

     $ brename -d -p '(.+)\.' -r 'pic-{nr}.' -f .jpg -d
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] AA.jpg -> pic-1.jpg
       [OK] b.jpg -> pic-2.jpg
     2 path(s) to be renamed
     $ brename -d -p '(.+)\.' -r 'pic-{nr}.' -f .jpg -d --nr-width 3 --start-num 11
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] AA.jpg -> pic-011.jpg
       [OK] b.jpg -> pic-012.jpg
     2 path(s) to be renamed
  12. Replace submatch with corresponding value via tab delimited key-value file (-k/--kv-file)

     $ more kv.tsv
     a       一
     b       二
     c       三
     $ brename -p '^(\w)' -r '{kv}' -k kv.tsv -K -i -d
     read key-value file: kv.tsv
     3 pairs of key-value loaded
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] AA.html -> 一A.html
       [OK] AA.jpg -> 一A.jpg
       [OK] b.jpg -> 二.jpg
       [unchanged] kv.tsv -> kv.tsv
     3 path(s) to be renamed
  13. Auto mkdir

     $ touch a-b-c.txt
     $ brename -f .txt -p '-' -r '/'
     Searching for paths to rename...
       Done searching.
     Renaming paths...
       [DONE] a-b-c.txt -> a/b/c.txt
     1 path(s) renamed in 0.000 seconds
     $ tree a
     └── b
         └── c.txt
  14. Only listing paths that match pattern (-l and -a)

     $ brename -p '.gz$' -R -l
     $ brename -p '.gz$' -R -l -a
  15. Overwrite mode (-o/--overwrite-mode)

     $ ls *.tar.gz
     brename_darwin_386.tar.gz    brename_linux_386.tar.gz    brename_windows_386.exe.tar.gz
     brename_darwin_amd64.tar.gz  brename_linux_amd64.tar.gz  brename_windows_amd64.exe.tar.gz
    1. default mode: reporting error

       $ brename -p 386 -r amd64 -d
       Searching for paths to rename...
         [new path existed] brename_linux_386.tar.gz -> brename_linux_amd64.tar.gz
         [new path existed] brename_windows_386.exe.tar.gz -> brename_windows_amd64.exe.tar.gz
       2 potential error(s) detected, please check
    2. allowing overwrite

       $ brename -p 386 -r amd64 -d -o 1
       Searching for paths to rename...
         [new path existed] brename_linux_386.tar.gz -> brename_linux_amd64.tar.gz (will be overwrited)
         [new path existed] brename_windows_386.exe.tar.gz -> brename_windows_amd64.exe.tar.gz (will be overwrited)
       2 path(s) to be renamed
    3. leave it

       $ brename -p 386 -r amd64 -d -o 2
       Searching for paths to rename...
         [new path existed] brename_linux_386.tar.gz -> brename_linux_amd64.tar.gz (will NOT be overwrited)
         [new path existed] brename_windows_386.exe.tar.gz -> brename_windows_amd64.exe.tar.gz (will NOT be overwrited)
       0 path(s) to be renamed

Real-world examples

  1. Formating genome assembly file from NCBI.

     $ ls 
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # only keeping accession
     Searching for paths to rename...
     [OK] GCF_029211165.1_ASM2921116v1_genomic.fa -> GCF_029211165.fa
     1 path(s) to be renamed
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # keeping accession.version
     $ brename -R -p '^(\w{3}_\d{9}\.\d+).+' -r '$1.fa' -d
     Searching for paths to rename...
       [OK] GCF_029211165.1_ASM2921116v1_genomic.fa -> GCF_029211165.1.fa
     1 path(s) to be renamed
  2. Replace matches with corresponding pairing values

    1. Original files

       $ tree
       ├── barcodes.tsv
       ├── tag_ATGCGTA.fasta
       ├── tag_CCCCCCC.fasta
       ├── tag_CGACGTC.fasta
       ├── tag_TCATAGC.fasta
       └── tag_TCTATAG.fasta
    2. Tab-delimited key-value file. Notice that CCCCCCC is not in it.

       $ cat barcodes.tsv
       CGACGTC S1
       ATGCGTA S2
       TCTATAG S4
       TCATAGC S3
    3. Renaming tag as sample name, marking unknown for non-existing tag.

       $ brename -e -p 'tag_(\w+)' -r '{kv}' -k barcodes.tsv -m unknown -d
       [INFO] read key-value file: barcodes.tsv
       [INFO] 4 pairs of key-value loaded
       [INFO] checking: [ ok ] 'tag_ATGCGTA.fasta' -> 'S2.fasta'
       [INFO] checking: [ ok ] 'tag_CCCCCCC.fasta' -> 'unknown.fasta'
       [INFO] checking: [ ok ] 'tag_CGACGTC.fasta' -> 'S1.fasta'
       [INFO] checking: [ ok ] 'tag_TCATAGC.fasta' -> 'S3.fasta'
       [INFO] checking: [ ok ] 'tag_TCTATAG.fasta' -> 'S4.fasta'
       [INFO] 5 path(s) to be renamed
  3. Renaming PDF files for compatibility (moving from EXT4 to NTFS file system):

    1. Original files

       $ tree -Q
       ├── "0000 Test.pdf"
       ├── "2016 SeqKit: A Cross-Platform and Ultrafast Toolkit for FASTA\342\201\204Q File Manipulation .pdf"
       ├── "metagenomics"
       │   ├── "2017 16S rRNA gene sequencing and healthy reference ranges for 28 clinically relevant microbial taxa from the human gut microbiome .pdf"
       │   ├── "2017 De novo assembly of viral quasispecies using overlap graphs .pdf"
       │   └── "2017 Tracking microbial colonization in fecal microbiota transplantation experiments via genome-resolved metagenomics .pdf"
       ├── "test2222222222222222222211111111122222222222222222233333333.pdf"
       └── "test.pdf"
    2. Removing "\n", "'", "?".

       $ brename -p "[\n'\?]" -r " " -R
    3. Replacing ":" with " _"

       $ brename -p ":" -r " _" -R
    4. Shortening file names (prefering spliting with space)

       $ brename -R -f .pdf -i -p "^(.{30,50})[ \.].*.pdf" -r "\$1.pdf" -d
    5. Result

       $ tree -Q
       ├── "0000 Test.pdf"
       ├── "2016 SeqKit _ A Cross-Platform and Ultrafast.pdf"
       ├── "metagenomics"
       │   ├── "2017 16S rRNA gene sequencing and healthy.pdf"
       │   ├── "2017 De novo assembly of viral quasispecies using.pdf"
       │   └── "2017 Tracking microbial colonization in fecal.pdf"
       ├── "test2222222222222222222211111111122222222222222222233333333.pdf"
       └── "test.pdf"



Create an issue to report bugs, propose new functions or ask for help.


MIT License


<img src="https://starchart.cc/shenwei356/brename.svg" alt="Stargazers over time" style="max-width: 100%">