Rusty Bash (a.k.a. sushi 🍣 shell)
IMPORTANT: the main branch is switched to the shell develped for articles on SoftwareDesign.
What's this?
A clone of Bash, which is developed as a hobby of our group and for monthly articles on SoftwareDesign magazine published by Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.
Quick Start
$ git clone
$ cd rusty_bash
$ cargo run
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s
Running `target/debug/sush`
$ git clone
$ cd rusty_bash
$ cargo build --release
### ↓ Change /bin/ to /usr/local/bin/ or another path in $PATH if you are using Mac or BSD ###
$ sudo cp target/release/sush /bin/
$ cp .sushrc_for_linux ~/.sushrc # edit if some errors occur
$ sush
For Contributors
Please give us issues or pull requests in a way you think sensible. We do not have a rigid rule at this stage.
List of Features
- :heavy_check_mark: :available
- :construction: :partially available (or having known bugs)
- :no_good: : not implemented
simple commands
features | status | features | status | features | status |
command | :heavy_check_mark: | substitutions | :heavy_check_mark: | function definition | :heavy_check_mark: |
compound commands
features | status | features | status | features | status |
if | :heavy_check_mark: | while | :heavy_check_mark: | () | :heavy_check_mark: |
{} | :heavy_check_mark: | case | :heavy_check_mark: | until | :no_good: |
for | :heavy_check_mark: | [[ ]] | :heavy_check_mark: | | |
control operator
features | status | features | status | features | status |
|| | :heavy_check_mark: | && | :heavy_check_mark: | ; | :heavy_check_mark: |
;; | :heavy_check_mark: | | | :heavy_check_mark: | & | :heavy_check_mark: |
|& | :heavy_check_mark: | | | | |
features | status | features | status | features | status |
brace {a,b} | :heavy_check_mark: | brace | :heavy_check_mark: | tilde | :heavy_check_mark: |
arithmetic | :heavy_check_mark: | word splitting | :heavy_check_mark: | path name | :heavy_check_mark: |
command substitution | :heavy_check_mark: | parameter/variable $A ${A} | :heavy_check_mark: | ${name:offset}, ${name:offset:length} | :heavy_check_mark: |
special parameters
features | status | features | status | features | status |
$ | :heavy_check_mark: | ? | :heavy_check_mark: | * | :heavy_check_mark: |
@ | :heavy_check_mark: | # | :heavy_check_mark: | - | :heavy_check_mark: |
! | :no_good: | _ | :heavy_check_mark: | | |
builtin commands
features | status | features | status | features | status |
cd | :heavy_check_mark: | pwd | :heavy_check_mark: | read | :construction: |
exit | :heavy_check_mark: | source | :heavy_check_mark: | set | :construction: |
shopt | :construction: | : | :heavy_check_mark: | . | :heavy_check_mark: |
alias | :heavy_check_mark: | bg | :construction: | bind | :no_good: |
break | :heavy_check_mark: | builtin | :no_good: | caller | :no_good: |
command | :no_good: | compgen | :construction: | complete | :construction: |
compopt | :no_good: | continue | :heavy_check_mark: | declare | :no_good: |
dirs | :no_good: | disown | :no_good: | echo | :no_good: |
enable | :no_good: | eval | :heavy_check_mark: | exec | :no_good: |
fc | :no_good: | fg | :construction: | getopts | :no_good: |
hash | :no_good: | help | :no_good: | history | :construction: |
jobs | :construction: | kill | :no_good: | let | :no_good: |
local | :heavy_check_mark: | logout | :no_good: | mapfile | :no_good: |
popd | :no_good: | printf | :no_good: | pushd | :no_good: |
read | :no_good: | readonly | :no_good: | return | :heavy_check_mark: |
shift | :no_good: | suspend | :no_good: | test | :no_good: |
times | :no_good: | trap | :no_good: | true | :heavy_check_mark: |
type | :no_good: | typeset | :no_good: | ulimit | :no_good: |
umask | :no_good: | unalias | :no_good: | unset | :construction: |
wait | :construction: | export | :no_good: | false | :heavy_check_mark: |
features | status | features | status | features | status |
-c | :heavy_check_mark: | -i | :heavy_check_mark: | -l, --login | :no_good: |
-r | :no_good: | -s | :no_good: | -D | :no_good: |
[-+]O | :no_good: | -- | :no_good: | --debugger | :no_good: |
--dimp-po-strings | :no_good: | --help | :no_good: | --init-file | :no_good: |
--rcfile | :no_good: | --noediting | :no_good: | --noprofile | :no_good: |
--norc | :no_good: | --posix | :no_good: | --restricted | :no_good: |
-v, --verbose | :no_good: | --version | :heavy_check_mark: | -e | :heavy_check_mark: |
--pipefail | :heavy_check_mark: | -B | :heavy_check_mark: | | |
features | status | features | status | features | status |
autocd | :no_good: | cdable_vars | :no_good: | cdspell | :no_good: |
checkhash | :no_good: | checkjobs | :no_good: | checkwinsize | :no_good: |
cmdhist | :no_good: | compat31 | :no_good: | compat32 | :no_good: |
compat40 | :no_good: | compat41 | :no_good: | dirspell | :no_good: |
dotglob | :no_good: | execfail | :no_good: | expand_aliases | :no_good: |
extdebug | :no_good: | extglob | :heavy_check_mark: | extquote | :no_good: |
failglob | :no_good: | force_fignore | :no_good: | globstar | :no_good: |
gnu_errfmt | :no_good: | histappend | :no_good: | histreedit | :no_good: |
histverify | :no_good: | hostcomplete | :no_good: | huponexit | :no_good: |
interactive_comments | :no_good: | lastpipe | :no_good: | lithist | :no_good: |
login_shell | :no_good: | mailwarn | :no_good: | no_empty_cmd_completion | :no_good: |
nocaseglob | :no_good: | nocasematch | :no_good: | nullglob | :no_good: |
progcomp | :no_good: | promptvars | :no_good: | restricted_shell | :no_good: |
shift_verbose | :no_good: | sourcepath | :no_good: | xpg_echo | :no_good: |
Born Shell Variables
features | status | features | status | features | status |
CDPATH | :no_good: | HOME | :heavy_check_mark: | IFS | :no_good: |
MAIL | :no_good: | MAILPATH | :no_good: | OPTARG | :no_good: |
OPTIND | :no_good: | PATH | :heavy_check_mark: | PS1 | :heavy_check_mark: |
PS2 | :heavy_check_mark: | | | | |
Bash Variables
features | status | features | status | features | status |
_ | :heavy_check_mark: | BASH | :no_good: | BASHOPTS | :no_good: |
BASHPID | :heavy_check_mark: | BASH_ALIASES | :no_good: | BASH_ARGC | :no_good: |
BASH_ARGV | :no_good: | BASH_ARGV0 | :no_good: | BASH_CMDS | :no_good: |
BASH_COMMAND | :no_good: | BASH_COMPAT | :no_good: | BASH_ENV | :no_good: |
BASH_EXECUTION_STRING | :no_good: | BASH_LINENO | :no_good: | BASH_LOADABLES_PATH | :no_good: |
BASH_REMATCH | :no_good: | BASH_SOURCE | :no_good: | BASH_SUBSHELL | :heavy_check_mark: |
BASH_VERSINFO | :heavy_check_mark: | BASH_VERSION | :heavy_check_mark: | BASH_XTRACEFD | :no_good: |
CHILD_MAX | :no_good: | COLUMNS | :no_good: | COMP_CWORD | :no_good: |
COMP_LINE | :no_good: | COMP_POINT | :no_good: | COMP_TYPE | :no_good: |
COMP_KEY | :no_good: | COMP_WORDBREAKS | :no_good: | COMP_WORDS | :no_good: |
COMPREPLY | :no_good: | COPROC | :no_good: | DIRSTACK | :no_good: |
EMACS | :no_good: | ENV | :no_good: | EPOCHREALTIME | :heavy_check_mark: |
EPOCHSECONDS | :heavy_check_mark: | EUID | :no_good: | EXECIGNORE | :no_good: |
FCEDIT | :no_good: | FIGNORE | :no_good: | FUNCNAME | :no_good: |
FUNCNEST | :no_good: | GLOBIGNORE | :no_good: | GROUPS | :no_good: |
histchars | :no_good: | HISTCMD | :no_good: | HISTCONTROL | :no_good: |
HISTFILE | :heavy_check_mark: | HISTFILESIZE | :heavy_check_mark: | HISTIGNORE | :no_good: |
HISTSIZE | :no_good: | HISTTIMEFORMAT | :no_good: | HOSTFILE | :no_good: |
HOSTNAME | :no_good: | HOSTTYPE | :heavy_check_mark: | IGNOREEOF | :no_good: |
INPUTRC | :no_good: | INSIDE_EMACS | :no_good: | LANG | :heavy_check_mark: |
LC_ALL | :no_good: | LC_COLLATE | :no_good: | LC_CTYPE | :no_good: |
LC_MESSAGES | :no_good: | LC_NUMERIC | :no_good: | LC_TIME | :no_good: |
LINENO | :heavy_check_mark: | LINES | :no_good: | MACHTYPE | :heavy_check_mark: |
MAILCHECK | :no_good: | MAPFILE | :no_good: | OLDPWD | :heavy_check_mark: |
OPTERR | :no_good: | OSTYPE | :heavy_check_mark: | PIPESTATUS | :heavy_check_mark: |
POSIXLY_CORRECT | :no_good: | PPID | :no_good: | PROMPT_COMMAND | :no_good: |
PROMPT_DIRTRIM | :no_good: | PS0 | :no_good: | PS3 | :no_good: |
PS4 | :heavy_check_mark: | PWD | :heavy_check_mark: | RANDOM | :heavy_check_mark: |
READLINE_ARGUMENT | :no_good: | READLINE_LINE | :no_good: | READLINE_MARK | :no_good: |
READLINE_POINT | :no_good: | REPLY | :no_good: | SECONDS | :heavy_check_mark: |
SHELL | :heavy_check_mark: | SHELLOPTS | :no_good: | SHLVL | :heavy_check_mark: |
SRANDOM | :heavy_check_mark: | TIMEFORMAT | :no_good: | TMOUT | :no_good: |
TMPDIR | :no_good: | UID | :no_good: | | |
beyond Bash
features | status |
branch display in prompt | :heavy_check_mark: |
Thanks to
Partially in Japanese.
© 2022-2024 shellgei group