


Utility to work with Docker version of LibreOffice in Lambda


$ yarn add @shelf/aws-lambda-libreoffice



Lambda Docker Image

First, you need to create a Docker image for your Lambda function. See the example at libreoffice-lambda-base-image repo.


FROM public.ecr.aws/shelf/lambda-libreoffice-base:7.6-node18-x86_64


RUN yarn install

CMD [ "handler.handler" ]

Lambda Configuration

Usage (For version 4.x; based on a Lambda Docker Image)

Given you have packaged your Lambda function as a Docker image, you can now use this package:

const {convertTo, canBeConvertedToPDF} = require('@shelf/aws-lambda-libreoffice');

module.exports.handler = async () => {
  // assuming there is a document.docx file inside /tmp dir
  // original file will be deleted afterwards

  // it is optional to invoke this function, you can skip it if you're sure about file format
  if (!canBeConvertedToPDF('document.docx')) {
    return false;

  return convertTo('document.docx', 'pdf'); // returns /tmp/document.pdf

Usage (For version 3.x; based on a Lambda Layer)

This version requires Node 12.x or higher.

NOTE: Since version 2.0.0 npm package no longer ships the 85 MB LibreOffice but relies upon libreoffice-lambda-layer instead. Follow the instructions on how to add a lambda layer in that repo.

const {convertTo, canBeConvertedToPDF} = require('@shelf/aws-lambda-libreoffice');

module.exports.handler = async () => {
  // assuming there is a document.docx file inside /tmp dir
  // original file will be deleted afterwards

  if (!canBeConvertedToPDF('document.docx')) {
    return false;

  return convertTo('document.docx', 'pdf'); // returns /tmp/document.pdf

Or if you want more control:

const {unpack, defaultArgs} = require('@shelf/aws-lambda-libreoffice');

await unpack(); // default path /tmp/instdir/program/soffice.bin

  `/tmp/instdir/program/soffice.bin ${defaultArgs.join(
    ' '
  )} --convert-to pdf file.docx --outdir /tmp`


See Also


Beside unit tests that could be run via yarn test, there are integration tests.

Smoke test that it works:

cd test

# copy converted PDF file from container to the host to see if it's ok
export CID=$(cat ./cid)
docker cp $CID:/tmp/test.pdf ./test.pdf


$ git checkout master
$ yarn version
$ yarn publish
$ git push origin master --tags


MIT © Shelf