

Digital Garden

GitHub Workflow Status

An experiment on moving my "digital garden" content from hugo to mkdocs. While my primary blog is still on hugo, the effort to maintain a personal knowledge base on it is too high.

Instead, I'm trying out mkdocs which I've used in the past for several projects and will see how if it reduces the friction to write.



If anything like Go/Mage are missing, run aqua install --tags first && aqua install to automatically fix that.

Mage Commands

Get going by running mage job:up to run the docker pull, build, and run the local serve command. It will ouput the url, which defaults to locahost

  docker:build            🔨 Run docker build.
  docker:pull             pulls the squidfunk/mkdocs-material:latest Docker image
  docker:stop             🛑 Stop the mkdocs dockerized container.
  init                    ✔️ Init sets up the local tooling for writing and building.
  job:up                  can get everything running from scratch and server locally.
  mkdocs:build            Run mkdocs commands contained in docker
  mkdocs:ghDeploy         Run mkdocs commands contained in docker
  mkdocs:serve            🌐 Run mkdocs serve via Docker.
  trunk:init              ⚙️ Init installs trunk and ensures the plugins are setup.
  trunk:install           ⚙️ InstallTrunk installs trunk.io tooling if it isn't already found.
  trunk:installPlugins    ⚙️ InstallPlugins ensures the required runtimes are installed.
  trunk:upgrade           ⚙️ Upgrade upgrades trunk using itself and also the plugins.

