

Algorithms With Go + Other Algorithm Challenges

Initially, setup this to perform the challenges in algorithmswithgo.com repo. However, as I've explored more with Hackerrank, exercism.io and other challenges, I decided I'll use this repo for all of these to log my progress.

Any blog progress on this will be posted on my blog


Setup Exercism

Get token.

exercism configure --token=$TOKEN

Configure workspace for CLI to use this repo.

exercism configure --workspace ${PWD}/exercism.io

Advent of Code

To respect the creators, the inputs are not persisted, just the solution. To download the inputs I'm using:

go install github.com/GreenLightning/advent-of-code-downloader/aocdl@latest

Setup a .aocdlconfig and populate like below. This is also part of .gitignore.

    "session-cookie": "",
    "output": ".inputs/{{.Year}}-{{.Day}}.txt",
    "year": 2021,
    "day": 1

Use by: aocdl -day 1