

auto_logout py3

This fork is an attempt to run under newer macOS builds that have dropped support for Python2. I have run the main script through 2to3 and made some minor tweaks to keep data types happy. So far it has had MINIMAL testing and should not be considered production-ready.

the pyobjc library is required for AppKit frameworks that are used. pip3 install pyobjc appears to be an adequate prerequisite if using system python.

All else in the readme as original -mima11july2022

Package to automatically hard-logout users in OS X computer labs.

Computers can be set using the builtin tools to automatically logout users after a predetermined amount of time. However, it will wait, and ultimately fail, if a user has unsaved changes in an Office document, running processes in a terminal session, etc.

I tried numerous ways of doing this--the first idea was to killall -9 loginwindow, but, that frequently left users with a glitched out loginwindow (Go figure...)

So I eventually decided to just reboot the computer. Of course, this requires a change to the sudoers file, which is why there is a postinstall script. Please take note! As configured, this will allow any user to reboot or shutdown the computer using the commandline reboot and shutdown commands.

If the computer has a power schedule, and the machine is past the scheduled shutdown time, it will just shut down instead of reboot.

If the boot drive is FileVaulted, auto_logout will restart using fdesetup authrestart instead of a regular reboot. This bypasses the FileVault unlock screen.


Grab the latest package from the releases section and install on clients to use the default timing and icon.

If you would like to build yourself to incorporate custom settings, a Makefile is provided for use with the Luggage. Of course, feel free to use your choice of package building software.


There are a few variables that you can adjust to suit your environment.

In /usr/local/bin/auto_logout.py:

In /Library/LaunchAgents/org.da.autoLogout.plist


If you want to use a different sound, you must provide the name of the sound, not the filename, and not the path. I.e "Sosumi", not "Sosumi.aiff" or "/System/Library/Sosumi.aiff".

If you don't want a sound, set ALERT_SOUND to "" or None.

The search path is:

If you want to include a custom sound, it needs to be available in one of those paths. So for example, if you wanted to use the sound file "TotalEclipseOfTheHeart.aiff", copy it to /Library/Sounds (which may not exist by default), and set the ALERT_SOUND option like this: ALERT_SOUND = "TotalEclipseOfTheHeart"

Sounds must be a aiff; extension .aif is not valid.