

Wave Function Collapse

Go port of the Wave Function Collapse algorithm originally created by ExUtumno https://github.com/mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse


The Wave Function Collapse algorithm is a random pattern generator based on methods found in quantum physics. A sample input of constraints is fed in along with desired output criteria, i.e. width, height, periodic. The algorithm begins by analyzing the input constraints and building a list of rules about how the patterns can fit together. The output is then created in a "superposed" state, in which each slot of the output contains all possible patterns. During the first iteration, a slot is selected semi-randomly and "observed", i.e. narrowed down to one randomly chosen pattern. The implications of this selection are then propagated to the slot's neighbors recursively, eliminating patterns that cannot exist in those slots given the constraints. This cycle of observe and propagate is then repeated until all slots have one patten chosen, or there is a contradiction in which a slot has zero possible patterns.

Input Image Output Image

Input Images Input Images Input Images Output Image


The project can be fetched via Go's CLI with the following command.

go get github.com/shawnridgeway/wfc

Otherwise, the project can be imported with the following line.

import "github.com/shawnridgeway/wfc"


There are two models included in this project:

Each of the models has its own constructor, but all other methods are common to the two models.


Constructor for a new OverlappingModel.

NewOverlappingModel(inputImage image.Image, n, width, height int, periodicInput, periodicOutput bool, symmetry int, ground bool) *OverlappingModel




Constructor for a new SimpleTiledModel.

NewSimpleTiledModel(data SimpleTiledData, width, height int, periodic bool) *SimpleTiledModel




Run the algorithm until success or contradiction.

(model *Model) Generate() (image.Image, bool)



Run the algorithm through iterations number of generations, stopping at success or contradiction.

(model *Model) Iterate(iterations int) (image.Image, bool, bool)




Returns an image.Image of the output at its current state. This is often not necessary since both Generate and Iterate return the output image as well.

(model *Model) Render() image.Image



Returns true if the generation is finished and successful, i.e. has no contradiction.

(baseModel *Model) IsGenerationSuccessful() bool



Clear the internal state of the algorithm for a new generation. Only necessary to call when using Iterate and the algorithm has not finished.

(model *Model) Clear()


Sets a stable seed for the random number generator. Unless this method is called, the model will use a seed based on the current time each time the model is reset. This method is mostly useful for creating a reproducable tests.

(baseModel *Model) SetSeed(seed int64)



More example can be found in the test files included in the project.

Overlapping Model

// Create a new model
model := wfc.NewOverlappingModel(inputImg, 3, 48, 48, true, true, 2, true)

// Run the algorithm until success or contradiction
outputImg, success := model.Generate() 

// Run the algorithm 10 times, stopping at success or contradiction
outputImg, finished, success := model.Iterate(10) 

Simple Tiled Model

// Create a new model
model := wfc.NewSimpleTiledModel(data, 20, 20, false)

// Run the algorithm until success or contradiction
outputImg, success := model.Generate() 

// Run the algorithm 10 times, stopping at success or contradiction
outputImg, finished, success := model.Iterate(10) 


This project was based off the JavaScript version by kchapelier (https://github.com/kchapelier/wavefunctioncollapse) and the original version by ExUtumno (https://github.com/mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse)

All images are borrowed from the above two repositories, please refer to those repositories for limitations on usage and distribution.