

All about HTML Custom Elements

Custom Elements is a WHATWG HTML specification that provides a mechanism for defining new behaviors (such as dynamic content or interactivity) for HTML elements with custom names. Custom elements are just HTML elements, with all of the methods and properties of other, built-in elements. The only real constraint is that custom element names must contain a hyphen (-).


  <p>Custom elements can contain content!</p>
  <message-element>And other custom elements!</message-element>

Note: The adopted custom element spec, formerly known as "v1", differs almost entirely from the original "v0" spec. If you've been using document.registerElement() from the v0 API, then read on to see what's changed.

Table of Contents

  1. Why custom elements?
  2. How do they work?
  3. Browser support
  4. Customized built-in elements
  5. Observed attributes
  6. Polyfills
  7. Further Reading

Why Custom Elements?

How do they work?

Custom element behaviors are added at runtime (whenever the "registration" occurs in JavaScript), and can hook into a number of different element lifecycle events:

  1. When an instance of the custom element is created, either via the class constructor or document.createElement(); or when existing custom elements are registered.
  2. When an instance is "connected" to the document, either directly or indirectly. This may be called multiple times, and is generally the best place to add event handlers.
  3. When an instance is removed (or "disconnected") from the document, either directly or indirectly. This may also be called multiple times.
  4. When an attribute is changed. You can also subscribe to specific observed attributes if you only care about attributes unique to your element, or to implement attribute reflection.

Browser Support

As of summer 2018:

Regardless of your support targets, you should use a polyfill.

⚠️ When using custom elements—or anything involving JavaScript, for that matter—always design experiences for progressive enhancement, and plan for the possibility that JavaScript isn't enabled or available.


The custom elements API consists mainly of a CustomElementRegistry object that can be used to register class constructors for custom elements by name:

window.customElements.define('element-name', ElementClass);

Where ElementClass is a class that extends HTMLElement:

// ES2015
class ElementClass extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    super() // <-- this is required!
  created() {
    console.log('hi!', this)

Custom element classes may implement any of the following lifecycle (instance) methods:

  1. connectedCallback() is called whenever the element is added to the document, either directly (document.body.appendChild(el)) or indirectly (as part of a fragment or a DOM tree that's added to the document).
  2. disconnectedCallback() is called whenever the element is removed from the document.
  3. attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldValue, newValue) is called when an observed attribute (see below) is changed.

and the following static (class) properties:

  1. observedAttributes is an optional array of attribute names for which the attributeChangedCallback() will be called. If you do not provide this property, the callback will fire for all attributes.
// ES5
class CounterElement extends HTMLElement {
  static get observedAttributes() { return ['value'] }

  attributeChangedCallback(name, old, value) {
    // we can safely ignore name here because 'value' is the only
    // observed attribute
    this.value = value
  get value() {
    return ('_value' in this)
      ? this._value
      : (this._value = 0)
  set value(value) {
    this._value = value

Customized built-in elements

⚠️ Warning: Safari does not yet implement this portion of the spec. If you wish to use it, you will need a polyfill.

Custom elements may extend built-in HTML elements with special semantics or behaviors (such as <button> or <input>). Here's how they work:

  1. Register the element with an additional argument indicating which element name it extends:

    window.customElements.define('fancy-button', FancyButton, {
      extends: 'button'
  2. Instantiate the element in HTML with the is attribute of the extended built-in set to the name of the custom element:

    <!-- this: -->
    <button is="fancy-button">I am fancy</button>
    <!-- NOT this: -->
    <fancy-button>I am not fancy</fancy-button>
  3. Instantiate the element in JavaScript by passing an additional argument to document.createElement() with the is property set to the name of the custom element:

    var fancy = document.createElement('button', {is: 'fancy-button'})

Observed Attributes

Observed attributes are attributes that fire the attributeChangedCallback() lifecycle method. If the custom element class has a (static) observedAttributes array, the callback will fire for only the listed attributes:

// ES2015
class CustomElement extends HTMLElement {
  static get observedAttributes() { return ['foo', 'bar']; }
  attributeChangedCallback(attr, old, value) {
    // `attr` will only ever equal 'foo' or 'bar'
    switch (attr) {
      case 'foo':
      case 'bar':

Otherwise, the callback will be fired for all attributes.

// ES2015
class CustomElement extends HTMLElement {
  attributeChangedCallback(attr, old, value) {
    // `attr` could be anything

📝 When implementing attribute reflection, please observe the W3C API Design Principles.

The Custom elements registry

The CustomElementRegistry object available at window.customElements has two additional methods for querying its state and responding to when specific custom elements are registered:


Custom Events

You can listen for and dispatch custom events in custom elements. The only bummer is that, even though most modern browsers support the CustomEvent constructor, it's missing in all versions of IE and in older versions of PhantomJS, which is used for lots of "headless" integration testing. My advice is to include this polyfill, which falls back on the native implementation. Here's how you could have your component "announce" its readiness to the rest of the document, for instance:

var CustomEvent = require('custom-event');
document.registerElement('my-element', {
  prototype: Object.create(
      attachedCallback: {value: function() {
        this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('my-element-ready'));

SVG and Namespaces

Because you need a polyfill and namespaces are tricky, it's basically impossible to reliably extend SVG elements, or any element that requires an XML namespace. Your best bet is to write a component that wraps <svg> elements or creates them at runtime if they don't exist.

Class Definition

One of the trickiest things about custom elements is the magical incantation for defining element classes that extend HTMLElement or its subclasses, especially in "legacy" ES5 environments that don't support the class keyword or super() calls. There are a couple of ways to pull it off:

  1. Create an object literal (rather than a proper constructor function) with a prototype that extends HTMLElement.prototype. The only way to do this in a single expression is to use Object.create(), which extends the first argument with descriptors in the second. The important thing to note here is that because these are property descriptors, methods must be provided as objects with a value property:

    // ES5
    var CustomElement = {
      prototype: Object.create(
          // this will NOT work:
          createdCallback: function() {
          // but this will:
          createdCallback: {value: function() {
          // accessors look like this:
          someValue: {
            get: function() { /* ... */ },
            set: function(value) { /* ... */ }

    Note: if you need to support older browsers such as IE8 or below, you will also need a polyfill or shim for ES5 standard APIs, such as aight or es5-shim.

  2. A variation on the above method uses Object.create() but assigns methods directly:

    // ES5
    var CustomElement = {
      prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype)
    CustomElement.prototype.someMethod = function(arg) { /* ... */ };
    // any accessors not passed to Object.create() can be defined like so.
    // note that this is *exactly* what Object.create() is doing under the
    // hood!
    Object.defineProperties(CustomElement.prototype, {
      someValue: {
        get: function() { /* ... */ },
        set: function(value) { /* ... */ }
  3. Use Babel and the custom-element-classes transform. Your .babelrc should look something like this:

      "presets": ["env"],
      "plugins": [

    which should make it possible to write classes like:

    class Widget extends HTMLElement {
      constructor() {
    window.customElements.define('widget-element', Widget)


The semi-official webcomponents/custom-elements polyfill is what GitHub uses, and it provides a bunch of workarounds for the spec rules involving class constructors and the new keyword. You should use it, too!

Further reading