


<b>I'm a CPU and memory eating monster🦕</b>

Developer will encounter the need to quickly occupy CPU and memory, I am also deeply troubled, so I developed a tool named eat to help you quickly occupy a specified amount of CPU and memory.



$ ./eat.out --help
A monster that eats cpu and memory 🦕

    eat [flags]

  --cpu-affinities ints                  Which cpu core(s) would you want to eat? multiple cores separate by ','
  -c, --cpu-usage string                 How many cpu would you want eat (default "0")
  -h, --help                             help for eat
  -r, --memory-refresh-interval string   How often to trigger a refresh to prevent the ate memory from being swapped out (default "5m")
  -m, --memory-usage string              How many memory would you want eat(GB) (default "0m")
  -t, --time-deadline string             Deadline to quit eat process (default "0")
eat -c 4		# eating 4 CPU core
eat -c 35%		# eating 35% CPU core (CPU count * 35%)
eat -c 100%		# eating all CPU core
eat -m 4g		# eating 4GB memory
eat -m 20m		# eating 20MB memory
eat -m 35%		# eating 35% memory (total memory * 35%)
eat -m 100%		# eating all memory
eat -c 2.5 -m 1.5g	# eating 2.5 CPU core and 1.5GB memory
eat -c 3 -m 200m	# eating 3 CPU core and 200MB memory
eat -c 100% -m 100%	# eating all CPU core and memory
eat -c 100% -t 1h	# eating all CPU core and quit after 1hour

eat --cpu-affinities 0 -c 1	# only run eat in core #0 (first core)
eat --cpu-affinities 0,1 -c 2	# run eat in core #0,1 (first and second core)
eat --cpu-affinities 0,1,2,3 -c 100% # error case: in-enough cpu affinities
# Have 8C15G.
# Error: failed to parse cpu affinities, reason: each request cpu cores need specify its affinity, aff 4 < req 8
eat --cpu-affinities 0,1,2,3 -c 50%	# run eat in core #0,1,2,3 (first to fourth core)
eat --cpu-affinities 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -c 92%	# run eat in all core(full of 7 cores, part of last core)



# Linux
make linux-amd64 linux-arm64
# macOs
make darwin-amd64 darwin-arm64
# Windows
make windows-amd64 windows-arm64



开发者们经常会遇到需要快速占用 CPU 和内存的需求,我也是。所以我开发了一个名为 eat 的小工具来快速占用指定数量的 CPU 和内存。



$ ./eat.out --help

    eat [flags]

  --cpu-affinities 			整数	指定在几个核心上运行 Eat,多个核心索引之间用 ',' 分隔,索引从 0 开始。
  -c, --cpu-usage 			字符串	你想吃掉多少个 CPU(默认为 '0')?
  -h,--help				输出 eat 的帮助
  -r, --memory-refresh-interval 字符串	每隔多长时间触发一次刷新,以防止被吃掉的内存被交换出去(默认值为 '5m')
  -m, --memory-usage 字符串		你希望吃掉多少内存(GB)(默认值 '0m')
  -t,--time-deadline 字符串		退出 eat 进程的截止日期(默认为 "0')。
eat -c 4	# 占用4个CPU核
eat -c 35%	# 占用35%CPU核(CPU核数 * 35%)
eat -c 100%	# 占用所有CPU核
eat -m 4g	# 占用4GB内存
eat -m 20m	# 占用20MB内存
eat -m 35%	# 占用35%内存(总内存 * 35%)
eat -m 100%	# 占用所有内存
eat -c 2.5 -m 1.5g	# 占用2.5个CPU核和1.5GB内存
eat -c 3 -m 200m	# 占用3个CPU核和200MB内存
eat -c 100% -m 100%	# 占用所有CPU核和内存
eat -c 100% -t 1h	# 占用所有CPU核并在一小时后退出

eat --cpu-affinities 0 -c 1	# 只占用 #0 第一个核心
eat --cpu-affinities 0,1 -c 2	# 占用 #0,1 前两个个核心
eat --cpu-affinities 0,1,2,3 -c 100%	# 错误参数: 每个请求核都要指定对应的亲和性核心
# Have 8C15G.
# Error: failed to parse cpu affinities, reason: each request cpu cores need specify its affinity, aff 4 < req 8
# 出错: 无法解析 CPU 亲和性, 原因: 每个请求核都要指定对应的亲和性核心, 亲和核  4 < 请求核 8
eat --cpu-affinities 0,1,2,3 -c 50%	# 占用前4个核心
eat --cpu-affinities 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -c 92%	# 占用前8个核心 (全部7个核心,部分的最后一个核心)



# Linux
make linux-amd64 linux-arm64
# macOs
make darwin-amd64 darwin-arm64
# Windows
make windows-amd64 windows-arm64