



Learning about and implementing large-scale distributed system is not easy. I do not want to give the impression that it's something that can be learnt in a month. What this repository aims to achieve, is for software engineers and students to get a rough idea of how the thought process of designing a large scale works and how big companies have managed to solve really hard problems. Along with that, there is a recent trend for companies to have an open-ended interview with system design questions, which is at times hard for engineers of all levels if they haven't gotten the opportunity to work on such systems themselves.

This is a collection of links/documents for the following use cases: a) Prepare for a system design or open-ended rounds. b) Learn more about how large-scale systems work and thought process of designing a new system.


<a name='start'> Starting point </a>

For a very broad overview please go through these lectures, really useful:

These talks should give you a starting point on how to think about such problems.

<a name='basics'> Basics </a>

But before you begin, here are some topics(in no particular order) which in my opinion you should have a decent idea of before proceeding.

  1. Operating system basics: how a file system, virtual memory, paging, instruction execution cycle etc work (For starters silbershatz should be enough. If you already have decent knowledge try stallings book on OS)
  2. Networking basics: Should know the TCP/IP stack, basics of how Internet, HTTP, TCP/IP work at the minimum. cs75 on youtube (1st lecture) should give a broad overview. I personally love networking-a top down approach.
  3. Concurrency basics: threads, processes, threading in the language you know. Locks , mutex etc.
  4. DB basics: types of DB's (SQL vs noSQL etc ), hashing and indexing, EAV based databases, Sharding, caching for databases, master-slave etc
  5. A basic idea of how a basic web architecture is: say load balancers, proxy, servers, Database servers, caching servers, precompute, logging big data etc. Just know broadly what is each layer for.
  6. very basic summary of what the CAP theorem is (Have never been asked about the theorem itself, but knowing it will help you in designing large-scale systems.

<a name='howtoans'> How to answer in interviews </a>

<a name='myapproach'>Steps how I approach the system design questions in interviews</a>

These are the steps I go through mentally in the interviews, followed by actual interview experiences:

<a name='designques'> Common Design questions </a>

It generally depends what you are and you will be working on. Also what your level is but these are some of the more frequent interview questions.

<a name='architecture'>Architectures :</a>

Personally I looked into the following architectures:

<a name='blog'>Company engineering blog links </a>

courtesy checkcheckzz

Depending on where you are interviewing, go through the company blog. VERY USEFUL IN INTERVIEWS! It really helps if you have an idea of the architecture, as the questions asked will generally be of that domain and your prior knowledge will help out here.

<a name='tldr'>Low on time ?</a>

I would HIGHLY recommend you do not take a shortcut unless you have a week or so for an interview. System design is best learnt by practising, shortcuts might help you in the short term, but would recommend coming back to this link for an in-depth understanding after the interview

  1. processing and servers
  2. storage
  3. caching
  4. concurrency and communication
  5. security
  6. load balancing and proxy
  7. CDN
  8. Monetization

Best of luck :+1:, feel free to send pull requests to add more content to this git!