


An educational Prelude for PureScript with names from category theory.

The idea of this project is to use mathematical names from category theory for the types and functions that are typically defined in a Prelude or one of the basic libraries. For example, Tuple is called Product (with infix alias ⊗) and Either is called Coproduct (with infix alias ⊕). Unit, a type with a single inhabitant, is called One whereas Boolean is called Two. The following table shows a few well-known PureScript types, and their (isomorphic) CTPrelude equivalent:

         Void  ≅  Zero
         Unit  ≅  One
      Boolean  ≅  Two
     Ordering  ≅  Three

   Either a b  ≅  a ⊕ b
    Tuple a b  ≅  a ⊗ b
    These a b  ≅  a ⊕ b ⊕ (a ⊗ b)

Coproduct f g  ≅  f ⊞ g
  Product f g  ≅  f ⊠ g

        Maybe  ≅  Const One ⊞ Identity
   NonEmpty f  ≅  Identity ⊠ f

This module is mainly intended for educational purposes. For some applications, see the file test/Main.purs. It demonstrates how to use CTPrelude to prove isomorphisms between types, such as a ⊕ a ≅ Two ⊗ a or a few of the above.

The category of PureScript types

In the following, we will deal with the category of PureScript types, called Purs. Objects in Purs are PureScript types like Int, String, Two, List Two, Int ⊗ String, or Int → String (function types).

Morphisms in Purs are functions. The identity morphism is called id. Composition of morphisms is simple function composition, defined by the operator (which is associative).

Note: In the following, we ignore any problems arising from bottom values.

Source code

module CTPrelude where

Simple objects (types)


A type with no inhabitant (the empty set). Zero is the initial element in Purs (see below). This type is also known as Void.

data Zero


A type with a single inhabitant (a singleton set). One is the terminal object in Purs (see below). This type is also known as Unit.

data One = One


A type with two inhabitants (a set with two elements). Typically known as Boolean. Two is isomorphic to One ⊕ One, i.e. Two ≅ One ⊕ One.

data Two = TwoA | TwoB


A type with three inhabitants. We have Three ≅ One ⊕ Two ≅ Two ⊕ One.

data Three = ThreeA | ThreeB | ThreeC

Identity morphism and composition

The identity morphism (or function).

id ∷ ∀ a. a → a
id x = x

Morphism composition is given by function composition. Note that function composition is associative and that id is the neutral element of .

compose ∷ ∀ a b c. (b → c) → (a → b) → (a → c)
compose f g x = f (g x)

infixr 10 compose as ∘

Initial and terminal object


In the category of PureScript types, Zero is the initial object.

type Initial = Zero

fromInitial (also known as absurd) is the unique morphism from the inital object to any other object (type). In logic (using Curry-Howard correspondence), this corresponds to "from falsehood, anything" or "ex falso quodlibet".

foreign import
  fromInitial ∷ ∀ a. Initial → a
-- Note that `fromInitial` can never be called, because the type `Initial` has
-- no inhabitant. The function can not be implemented in PureScript, therefore
-- the foreign import.


In the category of PureScript types, One is the terminal object (sometimes also called final object).

type Terminal = One

toTerminal (also known as unit) is the unique morphism from any object (type) to the terminal object.

toTerminal ∷ ∀ a. a → Terminal
toTerminal _ = One

Product and coproduct

The product of two types, typically known as Tuple. This corresponds to the categorical product of two objects.

data Product a b = Product a b

infixr 6 type Product as ⊗
infixr 6 Product as ⊗

The coproduct (sum) of two types, typically known as Either. This corresponds to the categorical coproduct of two objects.

data Coproduct a b = CoproductA a | CoproductB b

infixr 5 type Coproduct as ⊕

Covariant functors

A typeclass for covariant endofunctors on Purs (i.e. functors from Purs to Purs). The term Functor is used instead of Endofunctor for convenience.


class Functor f where
  map ∷ ∀ a b. (a → b) → (f a → f b)

infixl 4 map as <$>

Contravariant functors

A typeclass for contravariant endofunctors on Purs.


class Contravariant f where
  cmap ∷ ∀ a b. (a → b) → (f b → f a)

infixl 4 cmap as >$<


A newtype for morphisms on Purs (functions).

newtype Morphism a b = Morphism (a → b)

instance functorFunction ∷ Functor ((→) a) where
  map = (∘)

instance functorMorphism ∷ Functor (Morphism a) where
  map g (Morphism f) = Morphism (g ∘ f)

A newtype for morphisms with the type arguments reversed

newtype Reversed b a = Reversed (a → b)

instance contravariantReversed ∷ Contravariant (Reversed b) where
  cmap g (Reversed f) = Reversed (f ∘ g)

Natural transformations

A natural transformation is a mapping between two functors.

type NaturalTransformation f g = ∀ a. f a → g a

infixr 4 type NaturalTransformation as ↝


An isomorphism between two types a and b is established by two morphisms, forwards ∷ a → b and backwards ∷ b → a, satisfying the following laws:

data Iso a b = Iso (a → b) (b → a)

infix 1 type Iso as ≅


Get a function a → b from the isomorphism a ≅ b.

forwards ∷ ∀ a b. a ≅ b → a → b
forwards (Iso fwd _) = fwd


Get a function b → a from the isomorphism a ≅ b.

backwards ∷ ∀ a b. a ≅ b → b → a
backwards (Iso _ bwd) = bwd


Reverse an isomorphism.

reverse ∷ ∀ a b. a ≅ b → b ≅ a
reverse (Iso fwd bwd) = Iso bwd fwd

Natural isomorphisms

A natural isomorphism between two types f and g of kind * → * is given by two natural transformations, forwardsN ∷ f ↝ g and backwardsN ∷ g ↝ f, satisfying the following laws:

data NaturalIso f g = NaturalIso (f ↝ g) (g ↝ f)

infix 1 type NaturalIso as ≊


Get the natural transformation f ↝ g from the isomorphism f ≊ g.

forwardsN ∷ ∀ f g. f ≊ g → f ↝ g
forwardsN (NaturalIso fwd _) = fwd


Get the natural transformation g ↝ f from the isomorphism f ≊ g.

backwardsN ∷ ∀ f g. f ≊ g → g ↝ f
backwardsN (NaturalIso _ bwd) = bwd


Reverse an isomorphism.

reverseN ∷ ∀ f g. f ≊ g → g ≊ f
reverseN (NaturalIso fwd bwd) = NaturalIso bwd fwd

Products and coproducts of functors

The product of two functors.

data ProductF f g a = ProductF (f a) (g a)

infixl 4 type ProductF as ⊠
infixl 4 ProductF as ⊠

instance functorProductF ∷ (Functor f, Functor g) ⇒ Functor (ProductF f g) where
  map f (fa ⊠ ga) = (f <$> fa) ⊠ (f <$> ga)

The coproduct of two functors.

data CoproductF f g a = CoproductFA (f a) | CoproductFB (g a)

infixl 3 type CoproductF as ⊞

instance functorFCoproduct ∷ (Functor f, Functor g) ⇒ Functor (CoproductF f g) where
  map f (CoproductFA fa) = CoproductFA (f <$> fa)
  map f (CoproductFB fb) = CoproductFB (f <$> fb)

Composition of functors

Right-to-left composition of functors. The composition of two functors is always a functor.

newtype Compose f g a = Compose (f (g a))

infixl 5 type Compose as ⊚

instance functorCompose ∷ (Functor f, Functor g) ⇒ Functor (Compose f g) where
  map h (Compose fga) = Compose (map (map h) fga)


A Bifunctor is a Functor from the product category Purs × Purs to Purs. A type constructor with two arguments is a Bifunctor if it is covariant in each argument.


class Bifunctor f where
  bimap ∷ ∀ a b c d. (a → c) → (b → d) → f a b → f c d

instance bifunctorProduct ∷ Bifunctor Product where
  bimap f g (x ⊗ y) = f x ⊗ g y

instance bifunctorSum ∷ Bifunctor Coproduct where
  bimap f _ (CoproductA x) = CoproductA (f x)
  bimap _ g (CoproductB y) = CoproductB (g y)


A Profunctor is a Functor from the product category Purs<sup>op</sup> × Purs to Purs, where the superscript op indicates the dual (opposite) category. It can also be thought of as a Bifunctor which is contravariant in its first argument and covariant in its second argument.


class Profunctor p where
  dimap ∷ ∀ a b c d. (c → a) → (b → d) → p a b → p c d

instance profunctorFunction ∷ Profunctor (→) where
  dimap f h g = h ∘ g ∘ f


Star lifts functors to profunctors (forwards).

newtype Star f a b = Star (a → f b)

runStar ∷ ∀ f a b. Star f a b → (a → f b)
runStar (Star fn) = fn

instance profunctorStar ∷ Functor f ⇒ Profunctor (Star f) where
  dimap f g (Star fn) = Star (map g ∘ fn ∘ f)


Costar lifts functors to profunctors (backwards).

newtype Costar f a b = Costar (f a → b)

runCostar ∷ ∀ f a b. Costar f a b → (f a → b)
runCostar (Costar fn) = fn

instance profunctorCostar ∷ Functor f ⇒ Profunctor (Costar f) where
  dimap f g (Costar fn) = Costar (g ∘ fn ∘ map f)


The Strong class extends Profunctor with combinators for working with products.

class Profunctor p ⇐ Strong p where
  first  ∷ ∀ a b c. p a b → p (a ⊗ c) (b ⊗ c)
  second ∷ ∀ a b c. p b c → p (a ⊗ b) (a ⊗ c)

instance strongFunction ∷ Strong (→) where
  first  fn (a ⊗ c) = fn a ⊗ c
  second fn (a ⊗ c) = a ⊗ fn c


The Choice class extends Profunctor with combinators for working with coproducts.

class Profunctor p ⇐ Choice p where
  left  ∷ ∀ a b c. p a b → p (a ⊕ c) (b ⊕ c)
  right ∷ ∀ a b c. p b c → p (a ⊕ b) (a ⊕ c)

instance choiceFunction ∷ Choice (→) where
  left  fn (CoproductA x) = CoproductA (fn x)
  left  fn (CoproductB x) = CoproductB x
  right fn (CoproductA x) = CoproductA x
  right fn (CoproductB x) = CoproductB (fn x)


The Closed class extends Profunctor with a combinator to work with functions.

class Profunctor p ⇐ Closed p where
  closed ∷ ∀ a b x. p a b → p (x → a) (x → b)

instance closedFunction ∷ Closed Function where
  closed = (∘)

Identity and Const


The Identity functor.

data Identity a = Identity a

instance functorIdentity ∷ Functor Identity where
  map f (Identity x) = Identity (f x)


Extract the value from the Identity functor.

runIdentity ∷ ∀ a. Identity a → a
runIdentity (Identity x) = x


The Constant functor.

data Const a b = Const a

instance functorConst ∷ Functor (Const a) where
  map _ (Const x) = Const x

instance contravariantConst ∷ Contravariant (Const a) where
  cmap _ (Const x) = Const x

instance bifunctorConst ∷ Bifunctor Const where
  bimap f _ (Const x) = Const (f x)


Extract the value from a Const functor.

runConst ∷ ∀ a b. Const a b → a
runConst (Const x) = x


A monad is an endofunctor on Purs, equipped with two natural transformations pure (often η) and join (often µ).


class Functor m ⇐ Monad m where
  pure ∷ Identity ↝ m
  join ∷ m ⊚ m ↝ m

Compose two functions with monadic return values.

composeKleisli ∷ ∀ m a b c. Monad m ⇒ (a → m b) → (b → m c) → a → m c
composeKleisli f g a = join (Compose (g <$> f a))

infixr 1 composeKleisli as ↣