


Offical Implementation of our research:

**Elucidating the Design Space of Dataset Condensation [NeurIPS 2024 🚀] ** <br>


<em>Shitong Shao, Zikai Zhou, Huanran Chen, </em> and <em>Zhiqiang Shen*</em> <br> MBZUAI <br> *: Corresponding author

TL;DR: We propose a comprehensive design framework that includes specific, effective strategies. These strategies establish a benchmark for both small and large-scale dataset condensation.

🔥 News

[10/2024] EDC was accepted to NeurIPS 2024! We open-sourced the code, which currently only guarantees performance on ImageNet-1k, and the remainder has not been scrutinized.

Get Started


Our code can be easily run, you only need install following packages and dependency:

# create the conda environment
conda create <name env> -file env.yaml

# install the dependency and packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

File Directories

For CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet_10 and Tiny_ImageNet datasets, Each of them consists of four parts:

│  ├─recover   # Get the synthetic images
│  │  └─models
│  ├─relabel   # Relabel the sythetic images
│  │  └─models
│  ├─squeeze   # Collect the statistics
│  │  └─models
│  └─train     # Evaluate the performance of the synthetic dataset

For ImageNet-1K dataset, it consists of three parts:

│  ├─recover  # Get the synthetic images
│  │  └─statistic  # Statistics collected from squeeze stage
│  │      ├─BNFeatureHook
│  │      └─ConvFeatureHook
│  ├─relabel  # Relabel the sythetic images
│  └─train    # Evaluate the performance of the synthetic dataset

Usage Example

For CIFAR-100(same with CIFAR-10, Tiny-ImageNet and ImageNet_10), you first need to run squeeze.sh in squeeze folder, for ImageNet-1k, use the released statistics file:

bash squeeze.sh

Inside this file, you can choose the models which you want to collect the statistics from:

python train.py --model ResNet18 --dataset CIFAR-100 --data_path /path to cifar-100  --squeeze_path /path to collected statistics

python train.py --model MobileNetV2 --dataset CIFAR-100 --data_path /path to cifar-100  --squeeze_path /path to collected statistics

python train.py --model ShuffleNetV2_0_5 --dataset CIFAR-100 --data_path /path to cifar-100  --squeeze_path /path to collected statistics

python train.py --model WRN_16_2 --dataset CIFAR-100 --data_path /path to cifar-100  --squeeze_path /path to collected statistics
python train.py --model ConvNetW128 --dataset CIFAR-100 --data_path /path to cifar-100  --squeeze_path /path to collected statistics

Reminder: You can run the squeeze.sh to get the statistics, or download from the link directly.

Then, you need to execute the second stage recover to get the synthetic data, for CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, you don`t need to get the initialized images, you can directly run:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python data_synthesis_with_svd_with_db_with_all_statistic.py \
    --arch-name "resnet18" \
    --exp-name "EDC_CIFAR_100_Recover_IPC_10" \
    --batch-size 100 \
    --lr 0.05 \
    --ipc-number 10 \
    --iteration 4000 \
    --train-data-path /path to cifar-100 \
    --l2-scale 0 --tv-l2 0 --r-loss 0.01 --nuc-norm 1. \
    --verifier --store-best-images --gpu-id 0,1

However, for ImageNet-1k, Tiny-ImageNet and ImageNet-10, you need first to get the initialized images for RDED, then recover:

# first to run this command to get the RDED initialization images.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2 python data_synthesis_without_optim.py \
    --exp-name "WO_OPTIM_ImageNet_1k_Recover_IPC_10" \
    --ipc-number 10 \
    --train-data-path /path to ImageNet train --gpu-id 1,2
# then use the initialized images to get the synthetic data.
 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5,6 python recover.py \
     --arch-name "resnet18" \
     --exp-name "EDC_ImageNet_1k_Recover_IPC_10" \
     --batch-size 80 \
     --lr 0.05 --category-aware "global" \
     --ipc-number 10 --training-momentum 0.8  \
     --iteration 1000 --drop-rate 0.0 \
     --train-data-path /path to ImageNet train \
     --l2-scale 0 --tv-l2 0 --r-loss 0.1 --nuc-norm 1. \
     --verifier --store-best-images --gpu-id 5,6 --initial-img-dir /path to the initialized images \
     --statistic-path /path to collected statistics

Then run the relabel.sh:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python generate_soft_label_with_db.py \
    -b 100 \
    -j 8 \
    --epochs 300 \
    --fkd-seed 42 \
    --input-size 224 \
    --min-scale-crops 0.5 \
    --max-scale-crops 1 \
    --use-fp16 --candidate-number 4 \
    --fkd-path /path to store the synthetic label \
    --mode 'fkd_save' \
    --mix-type 'cutmix' \
    --data /path to synthetic data

Reminder: the batch-size --batch-size in recover.sh should be the same with the batch-size -b in relabel.sh

After that, you successfully get the synthetic dataset, then you can evaluate it:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train_FKD_parallel.py \
    --wandb-project 'final_efficientnet_b0_fkd' \
    --batch-size 100 \
    --model "efficientnet_b0" \
    --ls-type cos --loss-type "mse_gt" --ce-weight 0.025 \
    -j 4 --gradient-accumulation-steps 1  --st 2 --ema-dr 0.99 \
    -T 20 --gpu-id 0 \
    --mix-type 'cutmix' \
    --output-dir ./save/final_efficientnet_b0_fkd/ \
    --train-dir /path to the synthetic image \
    --val-dir /data/imagenet1k/val/ \
    --fkd-path /path to the synthetic label


  1. For ImageNet-1k, Tiny-ImageNet and ImageNet-10, recommend you to directly download the collected statistics to EDC/Branch_XXX/recover/statistic for simplicity:

ImageNet-1k Statistics

Tiny-ImageNet Statistics

ImageNet-10 Statistics

You can either run it straight away, or start --category-aware "local" (this action can seriously affect the performance of IPC=1).

  1. For real data initialization, you can either use
python data_synthesis_without_optim.py \
    --exp-name "WO_OPTIM_ImageNet_1k_Recover_IPC_10" \
    --ipc-number 10 \
    ---train-data-path /path/to/imagenet1k/train --gpu-id 0 # --gpu-id 0,1

to get the synthesized data, you can also refer to the RDED code to get the synthesized data.


  title={Elucidating the Design Space of Dataset Condensation},
  author={Shao, Shitong and Zhou, Zikai and Chen, Huanran and Shen, Zhiqiang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.13733},


Our code has referred to previous work:

Squeeze, Recover and Relabel: Dataset Condensation at ImageNet Scale From A New Perspective

Generalized Large-Scale Data Condensation via Various Backbone and Statistical Matching

On the Diversity and Realism of Distilled Dataset: An Efficient Dataset Distillation Paradigm