

Controlling Singular Values with Semidefinite Programming

A Matlab implementation of the paper "Controlling Singular Values with Semidefinite Programming".

This package includes three examples:

minimize        f(A) 
subject to      s_min(A)>=k

over the matrix variable A, where s_min(A) and s_max(A) are the minimal and maximal singular values of the matrix A.

Getting started: Before running the code, make sure you have YALMIP and MOSEK installed. Update the paths in initialize.m accordingly. The code was tested with Matlab (2013a), YALMIP (20140915) and MOSEK (

Disclaimer: The code is provided as-is for academic use only and without any guarantees. Please contact the authors to report any bugs. Written by Shahar Kovalsky and Noam Aigerman