the illusiion zsh theme
this is a zsh theme which i need. i didn't like any other zsh theme so i make my own :)
- like any other theme we show the
of loged in user at the very first column - in the second column we show the current directory
- most important feature for me is showing the last executed command
status code
in third column - as other theme, print the
git branch
and print a卐
if there is file need to be commited - each column are in different colors
- second most important feature for me is that we have two line, first line show the above inforamation and the second line is for typing the command. so we have much of space for entering command while we seeing our information
how to use this theme
- clone the repo to /tmp
git clone /tmp/illusion
- copy the theme to ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes
cp /tmp/illusion/illusion.zsh-theme
- change the ZSH_THEME variable to
in~/.zshrc file
- restart the terminal or source the
bysource ~/.zshrc