This project is no longer maintained on GitHub, but you may obtain the latest maintained version on Unreal Marketplace.
<h1 align="center"> <br> <a href=""> <img src="Resources/Icon128.png" alt="EasyKafakLogo" width="200"> </a> <br> Json Web Tokens for Unreal Engine 4/5 <br> </h1>EasyJwt subsystem
EasyJwt is a JSON web tokens engine sub-system for Unreal Engine 4/5, that provides a c++ and bluprint interface to Generate, Sign, Verify and manage claims of JWT.
Supported Platforms
- Windows x86_64
- Hololens 2 (Windows ARM64)
- Linux x86_64
- Linux ARM64
C++ Modules Link
Link the plugin modules to your project through <YourModule>.build.cs
bEnableExceptions = true;//we are using exceptions
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange( new string[]
JWT Generator Basic Usage
Initialize the Generator
#include "EasyJwtSubsystem.h"
TSharedPtr<FEasyJwtModule> EasyJwt = GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<UEasyJwtSubsystem>()->GetEasyJwt();
EasyJwt->GetGenerator()->InitGenerator(`<SIGNING_KEY>`, EGeneratorAlgorithm::HS256);
Generate Signed Token Basic Example:
#include "EasyJwtSubsystem.h"
TSharedPtr<FEasyJwtModule> EasyJwt = GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<UEasyJwtSubsystem>()->GetEasyJwt();
TMap<FString, FString> Claims =
TMap<FString, FString> HeaderClaims =
Valid since generating it and for 900sec with the givem claims.
FString JwtToken = EasyJwt->GetGenerator()->GenerateJwtToken(true, 0, 900, Claims, HeaderClaims);
Initialize the Generator
<img src="Images/InitGenerator.png" alt="InitGenerator">Generate Signed Toker
<img src="Images/GenerateToken.png" alt="GenerateToken">Blueprint API
<img src="Images/GeneratorBp.png" alt="GeneratorBp">JWT Verifier Basic Usage
Initialize the Verifier
#include "EasyJwtSubsystem.h"
TSharedPtr<FEasyJwtModule> EasyJwt = GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<UEasyJwtSubsystem>()->GetEasyJwt();
EasyJwt->GetVerifier()->InitVerifier(`<SIGNING_KEY>`, EVerifierAlgorithm::HS256);
Verify a Token
#include "EasyJwtSubsystem.h"
TSharedPtr<FEasyJwtModule> EasyJwt = GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<UEasyJwtSubsystem>()->GetEasyJwt();
bool bValid = EasyJwt->GetVerifier()->VerifyJWT(`<TOKEN_TO_VERIFY>`);
Get Claims From JWT
#include "EasyJwtSubsystem.h"
TSharedPtr<FEasyJwtModule> EasyJwt = GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<UEasyJwtSubsystem>()->GetEasyJwt();
TMap<FString, FString> Claims = EasyJwt->GetVerifier()->GetClaims(`<JWT>`);
Initialize the Verifier
<img src="Images/InitVerifier.png" alt="InitVerifier">Verify a Token
<img src="Images/VerifyToken.png" alt="GenerateToken">Extract Claims From a JWT
<img src="Images/GetClaims.png" alt="Claims">Blueprint API
<img src="Images/VerifierBp.png" alt="VerifierBp">Supported Algorithms
- HS256
- HS348
- HS512
- RS256
- RS384
- RS512
- ES256 Unreal Marketplace version only
- ES384 Unreal Marketplace version only
- ES512 Unreal Marketplace version only
- PS256 Unreal Marketplace version only
- PS384 Unreal Marketplace version only
- PS512 Unreal Marketplace version only
More to come soon!!
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