

Nashville 🎸

A simple way to convert Nashville Number System (NNS) to chords based on the key.


npm install nashville --save

In your code:

// import with es2015
import Nashville from 'nashville'

// load with require()
var Nashville = require('nashville')


Creating a new Nashville instance

import Nashville from 'nashville'

const song = new Nashville('G major')

song.key // => 'G major'
song.keyRoot // => 'G'
song.keyType // => 'major'
song.keyScale // => [ 'G', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F#', 'G' ]

Get a chord from a NNS degree

import Nashville from 'nashville'

const song = new Nashville('G major')

song.getChord(5) // => 'D'
song.getChord('5/7') // => 'D/F#'
song.getChord('5-') // => 'Dmin'
song.getChord('5o') // => 'Ddim'

Get a chords from a NNS degree sequence

import Nashville from 'nashville'

const song = new Nashville('G major')

song.getChords([1, 4, 5, 1]) // => [ 'G', 'C', 'D', 'G' ]
song.getChords(['1', '5/7', '4', '2', '1', '7']) // => [ 'G', 'D/F#', 'C', 'Am', 'G', 'F#dim' ]

Change key

import Nashville from 'nashville'

const song = new Nashville('G major')

song.getChords([1, 4, 5, 1]) // => [ 'G', 'C', 'D', 'G' ]

song.keyChange('Eb mixolydian') // updates key, keyRoot, keyType, and keyScale
song.getChords([1, 4, 5, 1]) // => [ 'Eb', 'Ab', 'Bbm', 'Eb' ]


Degrees can can single numbers (5), or slash chords (5/7)

Major, minor, and diminished chords are set by the key, but can be overridden with:


1.3.0 comes with support for accidentals. Use b, bb, #, ## to include non-diatonic chords.

const song = new Nashville('G major')
song.getChord(5) //=> D
song.getChord('b5') //=> C#
song.getChord('bb5') //=> C
song.getChord('#5') //=> D#
song.getChord('##5') //=> E

Sevenths, extensions & additions

1.3.0 comes with support for extensions & additions. To prevent confusion between roots and extensions, wrap the extension parentheses.

const song = new Nashville('G major')
// Sevenths
song.getChord(5) //=> D
song.getChord('5(maj7)') //=> Dmaj7
song.getChord('5(7)') //=> D7
song.getChord('5-(7)') //=> Dm7
// Extensions
song.getChord('5(5)' //=> D5
song.getChord('5(9)' //=> D9
song.getChord('5(maj13)' //=> Dmaj13
song.getChord('5(13)' //=> D13
song.getChord('5(+9)' //=> Dadd9
song.getChord('5(s2)' //=> sus2
song.getChord('5(s4)' //=> sus4

Key Types

To-do list

JavaScript Style Guide