

Prompts AI

Prompts AI is an advanced GPT-3 playground.

It has two main goals:

  1. Help first-time GPT-3 users to discover capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of the technology.
  2. Help developers to experiment with prompt engineering by optimizing the product for concrete use cases such as creative writing, classification, chat bots and others.


yarn install 
yarn start

Note that each app user has to provide their own API key from the OpenAI console. "Bring your own key" is an important concept enforced to prevent API misuse.


By use case:



Export the workspace to a file: Ctrl+S, Cmd+S
Run: Ctrl+Enter, Cmd+Enter

Switch between modes: Ctrl+1-4 
(1 - simple, 2 - examples, 3 - variations, 4 - conversations)



The project is in a very early stage and still shaping its form. It also has some amount of technical debt (for example, editorSlice.ts). However, contributions are welcome.

Until we have a formed contribution process, if you need any help to find something to work on and/or make sure your contribution will be merged to the product, reach out to me at seva@zhidkoff.com.


Sorted by the date of a first contribution. Feel free to add yourselves while making your first contribution!