





Perception-Oriented Single Image Super-Resolution using Optimal Objective Estimation (CVPR 2023) <a href="https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2023/html/Park_Perception-Oriented_Single_Image_Super-Resolution_Using_Optimal_Objective_Estimation_CVPR_2023_paper.html">Link</a>

Seung Ho Park, Young Su Moon, Nam Ik Cho

SROOE Architecture

<p align="center"><img src="figures/network-architecture_v05.png" width="800"></p>

SROT (SR model trained with an Objective Trajectory) Training <a href="https://github.com/seungho-snu/SROT">Link</a>

<p align="center"><img src="figures/conditional model training - sort.png" width="800"></p>

OOE (Optimal Objective Estimation) Training

<p align="center"><img src="figures/OOE_training.png" width="800"></p>

Visual and quantitative comparison.

The proposed SROOE shows a higher PSNR, LRPSNR, and lower LPIPS than other state-of-the-art methods, i.e., lower distortion and higher perceptual quality.

<p align="center"><img src="figures/Fig1.PNG" width="500"></p>




To test the pre-trained ESRGAN-SROT model:

python test.py -opt options/test/test.yml


Before running the training code, you need to prepare the training pairs of LR images and corresponding T_OOS_Maps using the SROT codes <a href="https://github.com/seungho-snu/SROT">Link</a>.

For this, you first need to train the SROT model <a href="https://github.com/seungho-snu/SROT">Link</a>, or you can use the pre-trained SROT model <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/v7lx9qoji1ndonx/SR.pth?dl=0">Link</a>.

After finishing the SROT model training,

(1) Modify the test.yml file of SROT codes as follows:

    name: DIV2K_train_HR
    mode: LQ
    dataroot_LQ: path_to_LR\DIV2K_train_LRx4

Then, generate SROT results with different t values from 0 to 1 with 0.05 step using the SROT codes as follows:

python test.py -opt options/test/test.yml -t 0.00
python test.py -opt options/test/test.yml -t 0.05
python test.py -opt options/test/test.yml -t 0.10
python test.py -opt options/test/test.yml -t 0.95
python test.py -opt options/test/test.yml -t 1.00

After running command lines above, you will get the folder structure as follows:

├── LPIPS-Map-Gen
├── codes
├── figures
├── pretrained
└── retuls
    ├──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t000
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR
    ├──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t005
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR
    ├──> ...
    ├──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t095
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR
    └──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t100
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR

(2) Generate LPIPS maps for the SROT results with different t values

To generate LPIPS maps, use the following command line. lpips_measure.py is in the LPIPS-Map-Gen folder.

python lpips_measure.py HR_image_folder_path SR_image_folder_path

for example

python lpips_measure.py path_to_GT\DIV2K_train_HR path_to_SROT\SROT-main\results\ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t000\DIV2K_train_HR
python lpips_measure.py path_to_GT\DIV2K_train_HR path_to_SROT\SROT-main\results\ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t005\DIV2K_train_HR
python lpips_measure.py path_to_GT\DIV2K_train_HR path_to_SROT\SROT-main\results\ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t095\DIV2K_train_HR
python lpips_measure.py path_to_GT\DIV2K_train_HR path_to_SROT\SROT-main\results\ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t100\DIV2K_train_HR

After running command lines above, you will get the folder structure as follows:

├── LPIPS-Map-Gen
├── codes
├── figures
├── pretrained
└── retuls
    ├──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t000
            ├──> DIV2K_train_HR
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR_LPIPS
    ├──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t005
            ├──> DIV2K_train_HR
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR_LPIPS
    ├──> ...
    ├──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t095
            ├──> DIV2K_train_HR
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR_LPIPS
    └──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t100
            ├──> DIV2K_train_HR    
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR_LPIPS

(3) Generate T_OOS_Maps for each images. To generate T_OOS_Maps, use the following command lines. generate_T_OOS_Map.py is in the LPIPS-Map-Gen folder.

python generate_T_OOS_Map.py -gt path_to_GT\DIV2K_train_HR -sr path_to_SROT\SROT-main\results\ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x

After running command lines above, you will get the T_OOS_Maps in the T_OOS_Map folder and the folder structure as follows:

├── LPIPS-Map-Gen
    └──> T-OOS-MAP
        └──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x
├── codes
├── figures
├── pretrained
└── retuls
    ├──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t000
            ├──> DIV2K_train_HR
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR_LPIPS
    ├──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t005
            ├──> DIV2K_train_HR
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR_LPIPS
    ├──> ...
    ├──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t095
            ├──> DIV2K_train_HR
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR_LPIPS
    └──> ESRGAN-SROT-M1234-v2-4x_t100
            ├──> DIV2K_train_HR    
            └──> DIV2K_train_HR_LPIPS

(4) To train a SROOE model using the SROOE codes in this webpage as follows:

python train.py -opt options/train/train.yml

Experimental Results

Quantitative Evaluation

<p align="center"><img src="figures/table2.PNG" width="800"></p>

Visual Evaluation

Visual comparison with state-of-the-art perception-driven SR methods

<p align="center"><img src="figures/figure-01.PNG" width="800"></p> <p align="center"><img src="figures/figure-02.PNG" width="800"></p> <p align="center"><img src="figures/figure-03.PNG" width="800"></p> <p align="center"><img src="figures/figure-04.PNG" width="800"></p> <p align="center"><img src="figures/figure-05.PNG" width="800"></p> <p align="center"><img src="figures/figure-06.PNG" width="800"></p> <p align="center"><img src="figures/figure-07.PNG" width="800"></p>


    author    = {Park, Seung Ho and Moon, Young Su and Cho, Nam Ik},
    title     = {Perception-Oriented Single Image Super-Resolution Using Optimal Objective Estimation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {1725-1735}

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2211.13676},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.13676},
  author = {Park, Seung Ho and Moon, Young Su and Cho, Nam Ik},
  title = {Perception-Oriented Single Image Super-Resolution using Optimal Objective Estimation},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2022},  
  copyright = {arXiv.org perpetual, non-exclusive license}


Our work and implementations are inspired by and based on BasicSR <a href="https://github.com/xinntao/BasicSR">[site]</a>