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A set of DGS Schema Directives for common response formatting use-cases.

Getting started



String Formatters

The following schema directives support formatting String scalars


Abbreviates a string using ellipses for a given width


Converts the String into camelCase


Capitalize the starting letter for each word in a String


Lowercase all characters in a String


Prepends a prefix to a String


Transforms a string into a base64 protobuf opaque ID. This takes in domain, subdomain, and systemName arguments which will be encoded into the ID.


Reverse the characters in a String


Appends a suffix to a String


Invert the case of each character in a String


Remove any leading or trailing whitespace


Uppercase each character in a String

Numeric Formatters

The following schema directives support formatting Int or Float scalars


Returns the absolute value


Returns the ceiling value


Returns the floor value

Release Process

Our release process involves

  1. Run the release workflow
  2. Enter the new version number to release
  3. Draft a new release, create a tag that matches the release version from above and publish
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