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:warning: This project is ARCHIVED. Learn more

Service Mesh Interface

The Service Mesh Interface (SMI) is a specification for service meshes, with a focus on those that run on Kubernetes. It defines a common standard that can be implemented by a variety of providers. This allows for both standardization for end-users and innovation by providers of Service Mesh Technology. SMI enables flexibility and interoperability, and covers the most common service mesh capabilities.

Service Mesh Interface Documents

The following documents are available:

Latest Release
Core Specification:
SMI Specificationv0.6.0
Specification Components
Traffic Access Controlv1alpha3
Traffic Metricsv1alpha1
Traffic Specsv1alpha4
Traffic Splitv1alpha4


* via adaptor


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Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for more information on contributing to the specification.


Whether you are a user or contributor, you can open issues on GitHub:

Community Code of Conduct

Service Mesh Interface follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.