Please note this project uses Serverless version 0.5
This Serverless Framework Project creates a REST API for a basic blog structure, including Posts, Authors and Comments utilizing GraphQL and DynamoDB for persistent storage. What's unique about this implementation is the entire REST API consists of only 1 endpoint.
Note: This project automatically creates 3 DynamoDB tables upon serverless project install
. They are defined in s-project.json
Enjoy,<br/> Kevin Old (Twitter)
Install & Deploy
Make sure you have the most recent version of the Serverless Framework (0.5.x and higher) and you are using NodeV4 or greater.
npm install serverless -g
Install this Serverless Project:
serverless project install serverless-graphql-blog
Install (top level) npm dependencies
npm install
View project summary:
serverless dash summary
Deploy the project's Function and Endpoint:
serverless dash deploy
Querying with GraphiQL
The graphql-js endpoint provided in this Serverless Project is compatible with GraphiQL, a query visualization tool used with graphql-js.
Usage with (an Electron wrapper around GraphiQL) is recommended and is shown below:
Sample GraphQL queries
List of author names
curl -XPOST -d '{"query": "{ authors { name } }"}' <endpoint>/dev/blog/graphql
List of posts with id and title
curl -XPOST -d '{"query": "{ posts { id, title } }"}' <endpoint>/dev/blog/graphql
"data": {
"posts": [
{ "id":"1",
"title":"First Post Title"
List of posts with id, title and nested author name
curl -XPOST -d '{"query": "{ posts { id, title, author { name } } }"}' <endpoint>/dev/blog/graphql
"data": {
"posts": [
{ "id":"1",
"title":"First Post Title",
List of posts with post, author and comments information (for a Post with no comments, i.e. comments:[])
curl -XPOST -d '{"query": "{ posts { id, title, author { id, name }, comments { id, content, author { name } } } }"}' <endpoint>/dev/blog/graphql
"title":"First Post Title",
Sample GraphQL Mutations
Create Post
curl -XPOST -d '{"query": "mutation createNewPost { post: createPost (id: \"5\", title: \"Fifth post!\", bodyContent: \"Test content\", author: \"1\") { id, title } }"}' <endpoint>/dev/blog/graphql
"title":"Fifth post!"
Mutation Validation
Validations defined using graphql-custom-types in blog/lib/schema.js
curl -XPOST -d '{"query": "mutation createNewPost { post: createPost (id: \"8\", title: \"123456789\", bodyContent: \"Test content 5\") { id, title } }"}' <endpoint>/dev/blog/graphql
"message":"Query error: String not long enough"}
Introspection Query
curl -XPOST -d '{"query": "{__schema { queryType { name, fields { name, description} }}}"}' <endpoint>/dev/blog/graphql
"description":"List of posts in the blog"
"description":"List of Authors"
"description":"Get Author by id"