

IVREGHDFE: reghdfe + ivreg2 (adds instrumental variable and additional robust SE estimators to reghdfe)

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This package integrates reghdfe into ivreg2, through an absorb() option. This allows IV/2SLS regressions with multiple levels of fixed effects.

Recent updates

Comparison with other commands

As seen in the table below, ivreghdfe is recommended if you want to run IV/LIML/GMM2S regressions with fixed effects, or run OLS regressions with advanced standard errors (HAC, Kiefer, etc.)

Fixed effects?-One-wayMulti-way-Multi-way
Cluster SE?One-wayOne-wayMulti-wayTwo-wayTwo-way
Additional SEs:---AC, HAC, Kiefer, Driscol-Kraay, etc.AC, HAC, Kiefer, Driscol-Kraay, etc.
(Speed) Time without FEs:1x-2x3.7x4.3x
(Speed) Time with one FE:-6.3x2.1x-4.6x

(Benchmark run on Stata 14-MP (4 cores), with a dataset of 4 regressors, 10mm obs., 100 clusters and 10,000 FEs)


ivreghdfe requires three packages: ivreg2, reghdfe (version 5.x) and ftools. Run the lines below to install everything you might possibly need:

* Install ftools (remove program if it existed previously)
cap ado uninstall ftools
net install ftools, from("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sergiocorreia/ftools/master/src/")

* Install reghdfe
cap ado uninstall reghdfe
net install reghdfe, from("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sergiocorreia/reghdfe/master/src/")

* Install ivreg2, the core package
cap ado uninstall ivreg2
ssc install ivreg2

* Finally, install this package
cap ado uninstall ivreghdfe
net install ivreghdfe, from(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sergiocorreia/ivreghdfe/master/src/)


This code just modifies ivreg2 adding an absorb() option that uses reghdfes Mata functions (see this link for the line-by-line differences). When used, absorb() will also activate the small, noconstant and nopartialsmall options of ivreg2 (basically to force small sample adjustments, which are required as we might have a substantial number of fixed effects).

You can also use all other reghdfe options as normal options of ivreghdfe (e.g. tolerance, choice of transform, etc.):

sysuse auto, clear
ivreghdfe price weight (length=gear), absorb(turn trunk) tol(1e-6) accel(sd)

This is gives the same result as using the old version of reghdfe (but slower):

reghdfe price weight (length=gear), absorb(turn trunk) tol(1e-6) accel(sd) version(3)


To save residuals, do this:

sysuse auto
ivreghdfe price weight, absorb(trunk) resid(myresidname)

You can also use the other predict options of reghdfe, such as d:

predict d, d