


Very minimal single header JSON5 parser in C99, derived from jsmn

What is json 5

It is just a less strict standard JSON, which is easier to read and write as well ass some nice added features, for more info see JSON5. Some Json5 features maybe incomplete or not working properly, but currently the features are tested:



The main function to parse json is cj5_parse. like jsmn, you provide all tokens to be filled as an array and provide the maximum count The result will be return in cj5_result struct, and num_tokens will represent the actual token count that is parsed.
In case of errors, cj_result.error will be set to an error code. Here's a quick example of the usage, first define CJ5_IMPLEMENT to include the implementation:

        #define CJ5_IMPLEMENT
        #include "cj5.h"

        cj5_token tokens[32];
        cj5_result r = cj5_parse(g_json, (int)strlen(g_json), tokens, 32);
        if (r.error != CJ5_ERROR_NONE) {
            if (r.error == CJ5_ERROR_OVERFLOW) {
                // you can use r.num_tokens to determine the actual token count and reparse
                printf("Error: line: %d, col: %d\n", r.error_line, r.error_code);    
        } else {
            // use token helper functions (see below) to access the values 
            float my_num = cj5_seekget_float(&r, 0, "my_num", 0 /* default value if not found*/ );

NOTE: Unlike jsmn, if number of parsed tokens exceeds the provided ones, parser doesn't return immediately with an error. But parses the JSON to the end, counts all needed tokens and returns with an CJ5_ERROR_OVERFLOW, so the user can choose to reparse the json with new memory requirements.


License (MIT)

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