


by Saif El-Sherei & Etienne Stalmans @ sensepost (research@sensepost.com)


Wadi is a python fuzzing harness for Microsoft Edge browser on Windows 10. it is based on two components "winappdbg" as a debugger and Python "Twisted" as a web server(it can aslo be done using the python BaseHTTPServer but twisted is more reliable).

Wadi is developed to be modular each componenet can be used on its own. The Grammar files are seperate as well to generate test cases seperate the testcase generation algorithm from Wadi it self which lets each user supply their own.

The debugger will be responsible for starting Edge and then attaching to the "MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe" , "RuntimeBroker.exe" and "MicrosoftEdge.exe" to monitor for crashes.

The webserver will be responsible of generating the served testcase using Google's PyV8 engine and then serving it for each request recieved.




    wadi.py [Grammar File] [PORT]

- The javascript Grammar file.
- Port for the web server to listen on.

Running Wadi With NodeFuzz:

Simply add the wadi-nodefuzz-module.js and randoms.js to NodeFuzz Modules directory, and call it using:

node nodefuzz.js -m ./Modules/wadi-nodefuzz-module.js -c [CONFIG]



Wadi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://sensepost.com/contact us/.