



Exe file found in APK2AAB\Windows-exe\APK2AAb.exe <br />

Download .Net 6.0 runtime https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0 & Java 8 & add to system variable <br />

Selected apk & out put aab path should not contain any space in directory <br /> Min-sdk , target sdk , version name & code should be same as your apk have in AndroidManifest.xml<br /> You need to sign the generated aab file with your keystore in order to publish the application in play store <br />

Android-Tool <br />

Apk file found in APK2AAB\Android-Tool\APK2AAb.apk<br />

Download the application and install it <br /> Pick the apk and select output path for aab file <br /> Your file generate in output path<br /> You need to sign the generated aab file with your keystore in order to publish the application in play store <br />

Manual-way <br />

Tools are required<br />

Bundletool.jar https://github.com/google/bundletool/releases<br />

Apktool.jar https://github.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool<br />

Aapt2.exe https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/com/android/tools/build/aapt2/4.2.1-7147631/aapt2-4.2.1-7147631-windows.jar<br />

Android.jar Get the ANDROID SDK: $ANDROID_SDK/platforms/android-$latestVersion/android.jar<br />

Jave 8 https://www.oracle.com/in/java/technologies/javase/javase8-archive-downloads.html <br /> Add to system variable https://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.html <br />

Unzip the apk<br />

Put all tool files in one folder <br /> Open your command prompt in current directory <br /> Decompile the apk through apktool.jar

execute below command in command line

java -jar apktool_2.5.0.jar d test.apk -s -o decompile_apk -f

Compile the resource

Compile the resources using aapt2 <br />

aapt2.exe compile --dir decompile_apk\res -o res.zip

After that you will see a res.zip will generate in your current directory <br />

Link the resources

execute below command in command line <br />

aapt2.exe link --proto-format -o base.zip -I android.jar --manifest decompile_apk\AndroidManifest.xml --min-sdk-version $version --target-sdk-version $version --version-code $version --version-name $version -R res.zip --auto-add-overlay
<br />

$version should be replace with your apk version for example my apk have min-sdk is 7 , target-sdk is 30 , version-code is 1 , verison-name is 1.0 . So my command will be -> <br />

aapt2.exe link --proto-format -o base.zip -I android.jar --manifest decompile_apk\AndroidManifest.xml --min-sdk-version 7 --target-sdk-version 30 --version-code 1 --version-name 1.0 -R res.zip --auto-add-overlay

After that you will see a base.zip will generate in your current directory <br />

Unzip the base.zip <br />

Directory structure: <br />


Copy the files <br /> Take base folder as your main folder for now ! <br /> Create a folder manifest name folder inside base folder and move your base/AndroidManifest.xml to manifest/AndroidManifest.xml <br /> copy whole assets folder from decompile_apk/assets and paste to base/assets <br /> copy lib folder from decompile_apk/lib and paste to base/lib <br /> copy all files inside unknown folder from decompile_apk/unknown and paste to base/root <br /> copy whole kotlin folder from decompile_apk/kotlin and paste to base/root/kotlin <br />

Final directory structure <br />


Create a zip <br />

Open your command prompt in /base directory <br />

we are going to create a zip using cmd or you can use any software like Winrar & 7zip <br />

execute below command in command line <br />

jar cMf base.zip manifest dex res root lib assets resources.pb

It will create base.zip in current directory now copy the base.zip and paste where you put all tool file (.jars , .exe) <br />

Compile aab <br /> Open your command prompt in /tools directory <br />

execute below command in command line <br />

java -jar bundletool.jar build-bundle --modules=base.zip --output=base.aab

base.aab file will generate in current folder <br /> You need to sign the generated aab file with your keystore in order to publish the application in play store <br />