


ℹ️ This repository is the old openSenseMap mailer and is deprecated and archived. New mailer can be found here: https://github.com/openSenseMap/mailer

This project is the mailer used by the openSenseMap-API and other services in the openSenseMap stack. It is written in Golang and thus can be compiled into a single binary.


This project is written in Go. Useful tools for development are certstrap (go get -u github.com/square/certstrap) and mailhog (go get github.com/mailhog/MailHog).


go build -o sensebox-mailer cmd/sensebox-mailer/*.go

Adding new mail templates

Templates are loaded from repository https://github.com/sensebox/sensebox-mailer-templates.


The mailer relies on some environment variables for configuration. You can find these at the bottom of the README. Before running, you should generate certificates (./genCerts.sh).

A good mailserver for development and testing is mailhog. You should start an instance of it

docker run -d --name mailhog -p "1025:1025" -p "8025:8025" mailhog/mailhog

A good starting point for a bash script for development is mailhog.sh.

Running this script starts a mailhog docker container.

Before running this script its important to run genCerts.sh.

You run node index.js to test your templates. Visit localhost:8025 and check the Inbox for new mails.

Change the value of template inside index.js to test different templates.

HTTP interface

Upon running the compiled binary, the mailer will expose a HTTP interface running on port 3924. Clients can send mails by sending POST requests to / with JSON payload. Clients should authenticate using TLS client certificates.

An example payload should look like this:

    "template": "registration",       // required. The template you want to render
    "lang": "en",                     // required. the language to use
    "recipient": {                    // required. sould have the keys address and name
      "address": "email@address.com",
      "name": "Philip J. Fry"
    "payload": {
      "foo": "bar",
      "baz": {
        "boing": "boom"
    "attachment": {               // optional. should contain keys filename and contents
      "filename": "senseBox.ino", // filename of the attachment
      "contents": "<file contents in base64>" // file contents encoded in base64

The root of the JSON payload should always be an array containing single requests. Required keys for the single requests are template, lang, recipient and payload. The key attachment is optional.

Production use

In order to run it, you have to follow these steps:

1. Generate server and client certificates

2. Build it

Preferred way to build the mailer is to build a Docker image from it. Just run docker build -t sensebox/sensebox-mailer . in this directory and you should have a working version of the mailer.

You can also build it using docker-compose build

3. Run it

The server can only be configured through environment variables. The easiest way is to use docker-compose to achieve this. Just use the supplied docker-compose.yml. All config keys are prefixed with SENSEBOX_MAILER_. Consider this when consulting the table below.

Another option is to create a docker-compose.override.yml to override the values in the original docker-compose.yml with values of the generated server_env.yml and run it with docker-compose up

You should configure the following variables:

CA_CERTthe certificate of your CA. Server and client should be signed by this CA
SERVER_CERTthe server certificate
SERVER_KEYthe key of the server certificate
SMTP_SERVERthe smtp server address
SMTP_PORTthe smtp server port
SMTP_USERthe smtp server user
SMTP_PASSWORDthe smtp server password
FROM_DOMAINthe domain you are sending from
TEMPLATES_REPOSITORYgit url of the repository which contains the templatesy
TEMPLATES_BRANCHuse this branch of the repository for templatesy
TEMPLATES_FS_PATHpath where to clone repositoryy
TEMPLATES_FETCH_INTERVALtime interval how often to pull repository. Specify in go duration format.y