


Create powerful mobile apps with just HTML, CSS, and Zepto.js (or jQuery).

Build Status

jQTouch is a JavaScript plugin which works with either Zepto.js or jQuery, and comes with smooth animations, navigation, and themes for mobile WebKit browsers (as found in iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and WebOS).

Getting Started

The easiest way to try out jQT is with the demo archive, which can be found in the release tab on Github:

Please look for the download (green button) with filename prefixed with jqt-demo (ie, jqt-demo-<< version >>.tar.gz.)

Once unzipped and untar, you can open package/demons/index.html with any WebkitBrowser on a desktop.


Recently added features can be found at New and Noteworthy page.

Source code, issue tracking, and documentation are available on github.

Watch this video preview to see it in action.

Building your own version of jQTouch


We have quite a few dependencies at the moment, as we build with Compass/SASS for stylesheets, which is only available via Ruby. The actual build system, however, is built on Grunt.

Please make sure you have the following installed:


grunt (default)

Will create a build of jQTouch in the build/ directory, compiling any theme files and updating with source from the Zepto submodule. This must be run to preview jQTouch.

grunt build

This task is used only for iterative development. It does not update submodule, nor clean the build. (The default grunt task must be called once before this task.)

grunt watch

Will create the same build as grunt build, but will continue to watch for file changes to theme and source files, compiling/copying them into build every time you save. If you have a livereload browser extension installed and enabled, the page will update live after every change. (The default grunt task must be called once before this task.)

grunt compass

Only build the theme files. Typically, you'll want to use grunt watch for developing a custom theme. (The default grunt task must be called once before this task.)

grunt test

Run our test suite. (The default grunt task must be called once before this task.)

grunt dist

This is typically used internally for creating releases — It does everything the standard build does, but then additionally minifies all JS/CSS and updates the paths in demo files.

External Guides

Jonathan Stark has created an excellent introduction to jQTouch as part of his book, Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

PeepCode did a screencast ($9), as well as a cheat sheet, which have been helpful to many people.


Created, and still occasionally maintained, by David Kaneda.

Maintained by Thomas Yip.

Special thanks to pinch/zoom and Jonathan Stark.

(c) 2009-2013 Sencha Labs.

jQTouch may be freely distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for license.