


SMD Box is UI for human-readable displaying of JSON-RPC SMD schemas from remote url, allowing you to call RPC methods live, view and log results.

Getting started

Smdbox script exposes it's initialization to window.smdbox variable. Call window.smdbox() to initialize smdbox with default options, which are:

const defaultOptions = {
    endpoint: undefined,             // api endpoint url
    smdUrl: undefined,               // smd scheme url
    headers: {},                // headers added to each request smdbox makes
    selector: '#smdbox-root', // element to which smdbox is inserted

You can override any of this options to pre-fill project options.

For backward-compatibility with previous versions there's a possibility to initialize smdbox without any calls - just leave this block in html (no options can be passed to init this way):

<div id="json-rpc-root"></div>

When project is set up you're able to choose methods from list at left sidebar, view method's description, it's input and output params, and run selected method on remote server to see results.

History of successfull calls and their input/output are shown in "History" window (click History at top navigation).