


Voldemort is a simple static site generator using Jinja2 and markdown templates.


sudo python setup.py install


sudo easy_install -U voldemort

Usage Options

Usage: voldemort [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WORK_DIR, --work_dir=WORK_DIR
                        Working Directory
  -s, --serve           Start the HTTP Server
  -p PORT, --port=PORT  Port inwhich the HTTPServer should run
  -d, --deploy          Deploy this website
  -u USER, --user=USER  Login name for server
  -a AT, --at=AT        Server address to deploy the site
  -t TO, --to=TO        Deployment directory
  --skip-blog           Skip blog posts generation
  --skip-pages          Skip pages generation
  --skip-tags           Skip tags generation
  --skip-feeds          Skip Atom feed generation
  --skip-sitemap        Skip sitemap generation

Usage Example

Go to the example directory

cd example

and run


start the HTTPServer

voldemort --serve -p 8080

Open your browser and see the website in action.

Deploy the website

voldemort --deploy -u foobarnb -a foobarnbaz.com -t /home/foobarnbaz/public_html

Writing posts

Posts mainly contain 2 sections. Config section and the Template section. All data inside two --- defines the config and are validated as YAML data. You can set your post related attributes here. In template section you can use Jinja2 templates or Markdown in {% markdown %} and {% endmarkdown %} blocks (You could ignore these blocks if layout is defined in the metadata section).

As per Voldemort's default configuration, all base templates should be in layout and include directories. This is not a hard limitation, but kept for preserving the meaning. Posts are written in a directory named posts. For example, we have a directory structure as shown below


And we have the following data in layout/listing.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">

<title>foobarnbaz.com - {{ page.title }}</title>
{% include "head-common.html" %}

<section class="page-content">
{% block content %}{% endblock %}

and include/header.html contains

<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="author" content="Sreejith K" />

<link rel="alternate" href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/foobarnbaz"
  title="foobarnbaz.com" type="application/atom+xml" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/screen.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/pygments.css" type="text/css" />
<link href='/images/layout/favicon.ico' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/ico' />

We will be able to write the following index.html which generates the front page of your blog with all the posts, paginated with the value provided in settings.yaml (defaults to 5).

paginate: true
{% extends "listing.html" %}
{% block content %}

{% for post in paginator.posts %}
<article class="excerpt">
<h1><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h1>
<time datetime="{{ post.date | date_to_string }}" pubdate="pubdate">
{{ post.date.strftime("%b %d, %Y") }}

{% if loop.first %}
{{ post.content }}
<p class="full-post"><a href="{{ post.url }}#comments">comments...</a></p>
{% else %}
<p>{{ post.content }}</p>
<p class="full-post"><a href="{{ post.url }}">full post...</a></p>
{% endif %}

{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

And our sample post posts/voldemort-is-awesome.markdown,

title: Voldemort
date: '02-10-2011'
time: '10:45'
layout: 'post.html'
[Voldemort](https://github.com/semk/voldemort) is an awesome static site generator based in Jinja2 and Markdown templates.

For more information about templating read the following documentations.


You can change the default settings by editing the settings.yaml.

layout_dirs : 
              - layout		# directory inwhich base tempaltes reside
              - include		# html code that can be included goes here
posts_dir   : posts			# directory where you write posts
post_url    : "%Y/%m/%d"	# url to posts. You can alter the order
site_dir    : _site			# generated site will be in this directory
paginate    : 5				# number of pages to be paginated at once

User defined data should only be added under site as shown below

site        :
    name        : "Pythoned!"  
    address     : "http://foobarnbaz.com"
    author_name : "Sreejith Kesavan"
    author_email: "sreejithemk@gmail.com"

and you may deploy your website to a preferred location or GitHub itself.

deploy :
		user  : semk
		at    : github.com
		to    : semk.github.com

Global variables

site:       User defined variables from settings.yaml. Also includes site.time
            Eg: site.name, site.address, site.time

posts:		A list of all your posts. All attributes in the YAML section 
			can be accessed either using . or []. 
			eg. post['date'], post.date

paginator:	You can paginate your posts using this object.
			eg: {% for post in paginator.posts %}
				posts:	list of posts in this paginator
				current_page	: current page number (None if not)
				next_page		: next page number (None if not)
				previous_page	: previous page number (None if not)

post:		Info about the post. Only accessible in posts.
				content			: html content of the post
				url				: url to this post
				id              : identifier for the post (url)
				next			: points to the next post
				previous		: points to the previous post
				tags			: points to the tags
			and you can access all the attributes in the config section (eg: post.date)

page:		Info about a page. Only available in pages other than posts.
				content			: html content of the post
			and you can access all the attributes in the config section (eg: page.title)

tags:       Tags for the blog posts. Globally available.
            Eg: You can loop like {% for tag in tags %} and access tag.name, tag.url and tag.posts

tag:        Available only to the tag template (Default `tag.html`)
            Usage: {% for post in tag.posts %}


Apart from built-in filters provided by Jinja2, Voldemort provides the following filters to use inside HTML pages.

date:                   Format datetime objects.
                            eg. post.date | date("%d-%m-%Y")
date_to_string:         Convert date to string.
                            eg. "27 Jan 2011"
date_to_long_string:    Format a date in long format.
                            eg. "27 January 2011"
date_to_xmlschema:      Format a date for use in XML.
                            eg. "2011-04-24T20:34:46+05:30"
xml_escape:             Replace special characters "&", "<" and ">" to 
                            HTML-safe sequences.
cgi_escape:             CGI escape a string for use in a URL. Replaces any special 
                            characters with appropriate %XX replacements.
uri_escape:             Escape special characters in url.
number_of_words:        Return number of words in a string.
excerpt:                Split the html data. Eg: {{ post.content | excerpt(70) }}