

🎉 F.A. Keyboard Firmware

A keyboard firmware for the CH55x series.

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What the FAK?

FAK stands for F.A. Keyboard. F.A. are the initials of a person who silently crashed into my party and did not even make their presence known to me or my family. You know who you are.

Why FAK?

I live in a country where Pi Picos and Pro Micros are not considered cheap. When I began the search for making keyboards as cheap as possible, I discovered CH55x chips which are much cheaper. RP2040 needs an external QSPI flash. ATmega32U4 needs an external clock. As for the CH55x however, all you need to get it running is the chip itself and two capacitors. You can get a complete MCU for less than a dollar.

Besides that, I want to be able to make keyboard configurations declaratively. ZMK already does this to an extent, but FAK is way more flexible as it uses a purely1 functional programming language designed for configs called Nickel. This means you can do crazy things like layout parameterization, keycodes as variables, reusing and parameterizing parts of your keymap, and much more. In fact, Nickel is responsible for turning your config into C code!

Compatible hardware

CH552T✅ Fully supported and tested
CH552G✅ Fully supported and tested
CH552E✅ Fully supported and tested
CH559L🚧 Partially working, WIP
CH558L❓ Not tested but should be the same as CH559L

Getting started

We have now moved to user configuration repositories: fak-config. Refer to fak-config on how to get started and build keyboards with FAK. You will also find full keyboard and keymap example definitions there.

This repo is for the development of FAK firmware itself where the core functionality and features are implemented.


Check out the examples and see how keyboards and keymaps are defined in FAK, and how powerful and crazy it can get.

  1. Beginner - 3x3 macropad
  2. Intermediate - cheapis
  3. Advanced - zilpzalp


Let me know if you're using FAK on a project and I'd be happy to add it here!

Dev boards



Composable keycodes

Keycodes are in 32 bits. 16 for the hold portion. 16 for the tap portion. If both portions exist, you get a hold-tap.

# A

# Ctrl-A
tap.reg.kc.A & tap.reg.mod.lctl

# Ctrl-A when tapped, Layer 1 (like MO(1) in QMK) when held
# Both portions exist. This is a hold-tap.
tap.reg.kc.A & tap.reg.mod.lctl & hold.reg.layer 1 & hold.reg.behavior {}

# Ctrl-Shift-A when tapped, Layer 1 with Alt and Shift when held
tap.reg.kc.A & tap.reg.mod.lctl & tap.reg.mod.lsft & hold.reg.layer 1 & hold.reg.mod.lalt & hold.reg.mod.lsft & hold.reg.behavior {}

# Layer 1 when pressed/held
# Only hold portion exists. This is not a hold-tap.
hold.reg.layer 1

Partial and full transparency

Either one or both of the tap and hold portions can be transparent. Full transparency is equivalent to KC_TRNS in QMK.

let kc = tap.reg.kc in
let mod = hold.reg.mod in
  layers = [
    [ # Layer 0
      kc.A & mod.lctl,       kc.B & mod.lsft,    kc.C & mod.lalt,         hold.reg.layer 1
    [ # Layer 1
      tap.trans & mod.lsft,  kc.J & hold.trans,  tap.trans & hold.trans,  tap.trans & hold.trans


Yep. Layers. Up to 32.

# Momentary layer (like MO in QMK)
hold.reg.layer [0-31]

# TG, like in QMK, toggles the layer on or off
tap.layer.TG [0-31]

# DF, roughly like in QMK, clears all layers except for the new specified default layer
tap.layer.DF [0-31]

# TO, like in QMK, turns the specified layer on, and clears all others except for the default layer
tap.layer.TO [0-31]

Duplex matrix support

FAK supports both col-to-row and row-to-col matrix scanning with ColToRowKey and RowToColKey respectively. Now, it's also possible to mix both of these two in one, resulting in a duplex matrix. There is an example keyboard definition for the Kazik, a duplex matrix keyboard, for your reference. But basically, to get a duplex matrix keyboard working, you just mix both ColToRowKeys and RowToColKeys like so in your keyboard.ncl.

let { ColToRowKey, RowToColKey, .. } = import "fak/keyboard.ncl" in

# (snip)

# Here we have a 12-key layout that only uses 5 pins
  keys =
      let C = ColToRowKey in
      let R = RowToColKey in
        R 0 0, C 0 0, R 1 0, C 1 0, R 2 0, C 2 0,
        R 0 1, C 0 1, R 1 1, C 1 1, R 2 1, C 2 1,

Complex hold-tap behaviors

Inspired by and building on top of ZMK.

let my_crazy_behavior = {
  timeout_ms = 200,          # Known as tapping term in QMK and ZMK. 200 by default.
  timeout_decision = 'hold,  # Can be set to 'hold (default) or 'tap
  eager_decision = 'tap,     # Can be set to 'hold, 'tap, or 'none (default)
  key_interrupts = [         # Size of this must match key count. This assumes we have 5 keys.
    { decision = 'hold, trigger_on = 'press },      # Similar to ZMK's hold-preferred / QMK's HOLD_ON_OTHER_KEY_PRESS
    { decision = 'tap, trigger_on = 'press },
    { decision = 'hold, trigger_on = 'release },    # Similar to ZMK's balanced / QMK's PERMISSIVE_HOLD
    { decision = 'tap, trigger_on = 'release },
    { decision = 'none },                           # Similar to ZMK's tap-preferred
  quick_tap_ms = 150,              # 0 (disabled) by default
  quick_tap_interrupt_ms = 500,    # 0 (disabled) by default
  global_quick_tap_ms = 120,       # 0 (disabled) by default
  global_quick_tap_ignore_consecutive = true,     # false by default
} in

# Behaviors are bound to hold-taps like so
let my_crazy_key =
  & hold.reg.layer 1
  & hold.reg.behavior my_crazy_behavior

Things like retro-tap and ZMK's tap-unless-interrupted are not defined as-is. They don't need to be because you can make behaviors that emulate them. The exercise of doing so is left to the reader.

Tap dance

Similar to ZMK, the bindings can be hold-taps! This means in the following example, if you do a tap-tap-hold, you'll momentarily access layer 2.

# 200 is the tapping_term_ms
td.make 200 [
  tap.reg.kc.A & hold.reg.layer 1,
  tap.reg.kc.K & hold.reg.layer 2,

Split support

Central and peripheral sides are fully independently defined, so no considerations need to be made about symmetry, pin placement, and whatnot. They can be two entirely different keyboards connected together for all FAK cares.

# This is an example of how a 10-key "split macropad" would be defined in keyboard.ncl

let { DirectPinKey, PeripheralSideKey, .. } = import "fak/keyboard.ncl" in
let { CH552T, .. } = import "fak/mcus.ncl" in

let D = DirectPinKey in
let S = PeripheralSideKey in

let side_periph = {
  mcu = CH552T,
  split.channel = CH552T.features.uart_30_31,
  keys = [
    D 13, D 14, D 15,
    D 32, D 33, D 12,
} in

# The central side has two fields that aren't in the peripheral:
# `split.peripheral` and `usb_dev`
  mcu = CH552T,
  split.channel = CH552T.features.uart_12_13,
  split.peripheral = side_periph,
  usb_dev = {
    # Nickel doesn't support hex literals yet
    vendor_id = 2023,
    product_id = 69,
    product_ver = 420,
  keys = [
    D 14, D 15,   S 0, S 1, S 2,
    D 30, D 11,   S 3, S 4, S 5,


Soft serial

This is similar to QMK's SOFT_SERIAL_PIN (bitbanged half-duplex UART). FAK offers this in order to preserve compatibility with split keyboards designed for QMK + Pro Micro. You may also use this to be able to use one more pin for keys, since hardware UART uses two pins, but this, only one pin.

For example, to use soft serial on pin 16: split.channel = SoftSerialPin 16. See also the provided example keyboard definition for KLOR.


Combos are implemented as virtual keys. They're like regular keys but they are activated by pressing multiple physical keys at the same time. And since they're like regular keys, they're just like any other key in your keymap with full support for all the features. They can even have different keycodes across layers.

let kc = tap.reg.kc in
let mod = hold.reg.mod in
let my_tap_dance = td.make 200 [kc.SPC, kc.ENT, hold.reg.layer 1] in
  virtual_keys = [
    # The first argument is the timeout_ms (up to 255)
    # The second argument is the key indices/positions (min 2, max 9 keys)
    combo.make 50 [2, 3],

    # By default, the combo is released once *any one* of the key indices is released
    # Merge with `combo.slow_release` if you want the combo to release once *all* of the key indices are released instead
    combo.make 30 [0, 2, 5] & combo.slow_release,

    # During fast typing, you might want to temporarily ignore combos to prevent triggering them
    # To do this, merge with `combo.require_prior_idle_ms [ms]`
    # For example, the following combo is ignored if the last keypress happened no more than 180ms ago.
    combo.make 60 [0, 1] & combo.require_prior_idle_ms 180

    # You can't use virtual key indices. Just physical keys.
  # Assuming a 6-key macropad + 3 virtual keys, our layers need to have 9 keycodes.
  layers = [
      kc.A, kc.B, kc.C,
      kc.D, kc.E, kc.F,
      # After physical keycodes, our virtual keycodes begin:
      kc.N1 & mod.lctl,
      kc.N2 & mod.lalt,
      kc.G, kc.H, kc.I,
      kc.J, kc.K, kc.L,
      # Like physical keys, they can be different across layers and use transparency
      tap.trans & mod.lgui,



Yep. Encoders. To use them, first, add encoders to your keyboard definition. PhysicalEncoder takes in the following arguments: pin A, pin B, encoder resolution.

let { DirectPinKey, PhysicalEncoder, .. } = import "fak/keyboard.ncl" in
let { CH552T, .. } = import "fak/mcus.ncl" in

  mcu = CH552T,
  usb_dev = { ... },
  encoders = [
    PhysicalEncoder 10 11 4,
    PhysicalEncoder 16 14 5,
  keys = [
    D 30, D 31, D 32,

Then, similar to combos, add encoders to your virtual keys in your keymap with encoder.cw (clockwise) and encoder.ccw (counter-clockwise). They take in one argument, the encoder index. Encoder index 0 would be the first encoder in your keyboard definition. Encoder index 1 would be the second, and so on.

# We can arrange them however we like. They can even be mixed with combos like so.
  virtual_keys = [
    combo.make 50 [0, 1],
    encoder.ccw 1,
    encoder.cw 0,
    combo.make 60 [1, 2],
    encoder.cw 1,
  layers = [
    # (snip)

It's possible to have encoders on both sides of a split keyboard with PeripheralSideEncoder. You may refer to the provided KLOR example here.

Sticky mods

Tired of holding shift for just one key? What about tapping shift then only the next key press gets shifted? That's what sticky mods are all about and more.

let sticky_shift = tap.sticky.mod.lsft in

# It doesn't have to be just shift. You can combine mods as shown below.
# When you press two sticky mods in a row, they get stacked or combined, waiting for the next key press.

let sticky_gui_alt = tap.sticky.mod.lgui & tap.sticky.mod.lalt in
let sticky_ctrl_shift = tap.sticky.mod.lctl & tap.sticky.mod.lsft in

Another use case for sticky mods that I find very useful and personally use is this:

# Normal shift on hold, sticky shift on tap!
let best_shift_ever =
  & hold.reg.mod.lsft
  & hold.reg.behavior { ... }

Sticky layers

Temporarily activates a layer until the next key press. Unlike sticky mods, sticky layers cannot be combined. That means you cannot press two sticky layers in a row and have both layers activate. Only the last pressed sticky layer takes effect. However, you can combine sticky mods and layer into one key.

# Activates layer 2 until next key press
tap.sticky.layer 2

# Activates layer 3 with Ctrl-Alt until next key press
tap.sticky.layer 3 & tap.sticky.mod.lsft & tap.sticky.mod.lalt

# Layer 4 on hold; Sticky layer 5 on tap
hold.reg.layer 4 & tap.sticky.layer 5 & hold.reg.behavior { ... }


Mouse keys

Yep. Mouse keys. Constant speed.

# Mouse buttons
tap.custom.mouse.BTN1   # Left mouse button
tap.custom.mouse.BTN2   # Right mouse button
tap.custom.mouse.BTN3   # Middle mouse button
# This goes up to BTN8, if you have a use case for that

# Mouse movement

# Mouse wheel
tap.custom.mouse.WH_U   # Scroll up
tap.custom.mouse.WH_D   # Scroll down

You can customize mouse settings in your keymap defintion.

  mouse = {
    move_speed = 4,           # Higher = faster move
    scroll_interval_ms = 20,  # Lower = faster scroll
  layers = ...

Caps word

Yep. Caps word.

tap.custom.fak.CWTG     # Caps word toggle
tap.custom.fak.CWON     # Caps word on
tap.custom.fak.CWOF     # Caps word off


Yep. Macros.

# Macro for word selection
# Ctrl+Right, Ctrl+Left, Ctrl+Shift+Right

let kc = tap.reg.kc in
let tm = tap.reg.mod in
let md = hold.reg.mod in

let word_select = macro.make [
  macro.press md.lctl,
  macro.tap kc.RGHT,
  macro.tap kc.LEFT,
  macro.tap (kc.RGHT & tm.lsft),
  macro.release md.lctl,
] in

Here are the following possible steps or instructions that can go into macro.make [...].

macro.press [keycode]
macro.release [keycode]
macro.tap [keycode]
macro.wait [duration in ms, up to 65535]

Parameterizing macros is immediately possible thanks to Nickel, so there is no need to learn any other constructs. The following is an example that emulates2 SEND_STRING from QMK. Unlike QMK, this is not a C macro. It's simply a Nickel function that takes in a string and returns a macro.

let macro_send_string = fun str =>
  let steps =
    std.string.uppercase str
    |> std.string.characters
    |> std.array.map (fun char => macro.tap tap.reg.kc."%{char}")
  macro.make steps

let my_macro_1 = macro_send_string "fak yeah" in
let my_macro_2 = macro_send_string "gmail.com" in

As of writing, there are no checks enforced in Nickel to check if all your presses are eventually released. That is, it's possible to leave your presses pressed even after the macro is fully done. Take note of this, especially if you have weird behavior after activating a macro. This is all because I honestly don't know if checks should even be enforced or if there are actual use cases for leaving keys pressed after a macro.

Conditional layers

Inspired by ZMK, this is a generalization of what's usually known as "tri-layers" where activating at least two specified layers (commonly known as "lower" and "raise") activate another layer ("adjust").

  conditional_layers = {
    # The key ("3") specifies the layer that will be activated when the
    # specified layers ([1, 2]) are all activated
    "3" = [1, 2],

    # Nickel does not support integers as keys, as far as I know
    # So that's why we have to use a string for now

    # There can be more than two activating layers. Go crazy.
    "9" = [3, 5, 7, 8],
  layers = ...

Now, conditional layers (such as 3 and 9 in the example above) are fully controlled by the firmware and FAK doesn't want your grubby little fingers on them. Checks are enforced in Nickel, so you cannot activate conditional layers yourself any other way, like hold.reg.layer X where X is a conditional layer.

Repeat key

tap.custom.fak.REP repeats the last reported non-modifier keycode including modifiers when it was pressed. Basically, tapping a modifier like Ctrl alone will not be repeated by the repeat key, but Ctrl-A will be, since it has a non-modifier keycode (A).

Transparent layer exit

A version of the transparent key that (1) deactivates the layer it is in, then (2) registers the key press. This is an alternative implementation to what's usually known as smart layers. There exists a tap variant tap.tlex and also a hold variant hold.tlex { ... } that takes in a hold-tap behavior. tap.tlex is fine for simple use cases, but for more advanced use cases, hold.tlex allows you to only exit the layer when held and do something else when tapped.

let XXXX = tap.none & hold.none in
let kc = tap.reg.kc in
let htb = { timeout_ms = 200 } in

let layers = [
  [ # Layer 0
    kc.A, kc.B, kc.C, hold.reg.mod.lsft & tap.layer.TG 1 & hold.reg.behavior htb
  [ # Layer 1
    tap.tlex, kc.N1, kc.N2, hold.tlex htb & kc.Z
] in

In the example above, we start with layer 0. We toggle layer 1 by tapping the last key. Pressing the first key invokes tap.tlex which results to the typing of "a". Pressing second and third keys after that will type "bc", not "12" which is what would happen if you used tap.trans instead that doesn't deactivate the layer it's in.

Let's start over. We start with layer 0. Tap last key to toggle layer 1. Tapping last key will type "z", but holding it for at least 200ms will invoke hold.tlex which deactivates layer 1 and registers the same hold, resulting to holding of shift. While still keeping the last key held, pressing other keys will type "ABC" since layer 1 was deactivated and shift became held at the same time.

Foolproof config

If you do something illegal like hold.reg.layer 2 but you don't even have a layer 2, you'll get an error. It won't let you compile. Same thing if you try to mix incompatible building blocks like tap.reg.kc.A & tap.trans & tap.custom.fak.BOOT. Basically, assuming there's nothing wrong with your config's syntax, if you get an error from Nickel, then it's likely you did something that doesn't make sense or you've hit a hard limit (like defining layer 33).


  1. Almost pure. Side-effects are allowed but very constrained.

  2. To keep the example short, it does not fully emulate SEND_STRING. Most notably, it lacks support for shifted characters/keys like ABC and !^$.