


Run a deployment script only once in the Travis test matrix.

Travis Codecov Greenkeeper badge

:warning: Deprecation Notice :warning:

This library is deprecated and will not be maintained. We recommend to use Build Stages instead. It’s a clearer and more flexible way to orchestrate jobs within a build.


For Travis builds running multiple jobs (to test with multiple Node versions and/or OSs), travis-deploy-once run some code only once, after all other jobs have completed successfully.

travis-deploy-once is usually used in the after_success step. But if you want your build to break in case the travis-deploy-once script returns an error, you can set it in the script or before_script step (see Travis Build Lifecycle).

Your code will run only on the job identified as the build leader, which is determined as follow, by order of priority:

Note: If multiple jobs match, the one with the highest job ID (which corresponds to the last one defined in .travis.yml) will be identified as the build leader.


Usage: travis-deploy-once.js [script]

CLI usage with script argument

Run the script passed in the first argument only if the current job is the build leader and all other jobs are successful and return with the exit code of the script. Return with exit code 0 otherwise.

In .travis.yml:

language: node_js
  - 8
  - 6
  - 4
  - osx
  - linux
  - npm install -g travis-deploy-once
  - travis-deploy-once "deploy-script --script-arg script-arg-value"

The script deploy-script will be called only for the node 8 job running on linux. It will be passed the arguments --script-arg script-arg-value.

CLI usage without script argument

Return with exit code 0 if the current job is the build leader and all other jobs are successful. Return with exit code 1 otherwise.

In .travis.yml:

language: node_js
  - 8
  - 6
  - 4
  - osx
  - linux
  - npm install -g travis-deploy-once
  - travis-deploy-once && deploy-script --script-arg script-arg-value

The script deploy-script will be called only for the node 8 job running on linux. It will be passed the arguments --script-arg script-arg-value.

CLI options

-t, --githubToken

Type: String Default: GH_TOKEN or GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable

GitHub OAuth token.

-b, --buildLeaderId

Type: Number Default: BUILD_LEADER_ID environment variable

Define which Travis job will run the script (build leader). If not defined the build leader will be the Travis job running on the highest Node version.

-p, --pro

Type: Boolean Default: false

true to use Travis Pro, false to use Travis for Open Source.

-u, --travis-url

Type: String Default: TRAVIS_URL environment variable

Travis Enterprise URL. If defined, the -p, --pro option will be ignored.

Note: This is the URL of the API endpoint, for example https://travis.example.com/api.

-h, --help

Type: Boolean

Show help.

-v, --version

Type: Boolean

Show version number.


API usage

npm install --save travis-deploy-once

In the module my-module:

const deployOnce = require('travis-deploy-once');

try {
  const result = await deployOnce({travisOpts: {pro: true}, githubToken: 'xxxxxx', buildLeaderId: 1});

  if (result === true) deployMyThing();
  if (result === false) console.log('Some job(s) failed');
  if (result === null) console.log('Did not run as the build leader');
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong, and err will tell you what

In .travis.yml:

language: node_js
  - 8
  - 6
  - 4
  - osx
  - linux
  - npm run my-module

The script my-module with be called for each node version on both OSs and deployMyThing will be called only for the node 8 job running on linux.

Function deployOnce([options])

Returns a Promise that resolves to:

Throws an Error if:


Type: Object


Type: String Default: process.env.GH_TOKEN or process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN

GitHub OAuth token.


Type: Number Default: process.env.BUILD_LEADER_ID

Define which Travis job will run the script (build leader). If not defined the build leader will be the Travis job running on the highest Node version.


Type: Object


Type: Boolean Default: false

true to use Travis Pro, false to use Travis for Open Source.


Type: String Default: process.env.TRAVIS_URL

Travis Enterprise URL. If defined, the pro option will be ignored.

Note: This is the URL of the API endpoint, for example https://travis.example.com/api.