4th place Solution, Google Research - Identify Contrails to Reduce Global Warming
1st stage, pseudolabeling
The training parameters assume that an instance with 4 gpus with 48GB are used. Due to usage of bfloat16 only Ampere+ generation is supported.
Bootstrap pseudolabels
At this stage 4 folds of UNets were trained for 3 different encoders
- 512x512 resolution
- encoders: EfficientNet V2L, MaxVit Base, EfficientNet L2NS
- loss: 50BCE + 0.2Dice
- Optimizer: AdamW, wd=1e-2, cosine LR 1e-4, 70 epochs
- Augmentations: HFlip, 90, 270
- each fold on a single GPU, mixed precision with bfloat16
Predict OOF ensemble with 4TTA
second round pseudolabels
Same params as for bootstrap step though with 50% during training pseudo labels were used (only for 0-3, 5-7 frames)
Final stage
- using train/val split
- 768x768 resolution
- encoders: EfficientNet V2L, MaxVit Base, EfficientNet L2NS, EfficientNet V2XL,
- loss: 50BCE + 0.2Dice
- Optimizer: AdamW, wd=1e-2, cosine LR 1e-4, 70 epochs
- Augmentations: HFlip, 90, 270
- DDP, mixed precision with bfloat16
The last step is SWA to average 5 best checkpoints for each model
How to reproduce
Inference is implemented in Kaggle kernel Kernel inference
All the steps for training are defined in a single script train_4folds_and_final
which requires only a single parameter with path to the root dataset directory. <you dataset dir>