

Hyperapp One

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Hyperapp One is a Parcel boilerplate for quickstarting a web application with Hyperapp V1, JSX, and Prettier.

<div align=center> <a href=http://selfup.github.io/hyperapp-one> <img width=500 src=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56996/35205568-92ab325a-ff79-11e7-8978-81f0866c53af.gif /> </a> </div>

Redux Dev Tools support is included as well :smile:

<img width=500 src=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9837366/53659599-98ffd080-3c21-11e9-8404-b4a3072f6651.png />

<h2>Table of Contents</h2> <!-- TOC --> <!-- /TOC -->


git clone https://github.com/selfup/hyperapp-one
cd hyperapp-one
npm install
npm start


npm test

All tests are in the root test directory. :tada:


Access localhost:1234.

The browser will reload as you save new code. 🚀

Now go code something awesome!

Wiping the Commit History

Make sure you are in the boilerplate root and run:

npm run wipe

Add your remote:

git remote add origin <ssh_or_https_url>

Then work as usual.

Or if you prefer to do it yourself from scratch:

rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"

Then add your remote and work from there as usual.

git remote add origin <ssh_or_https_url>

Deploying to GitHub Pages

This will be interactive as it merges master into the gh-pages branch :pray:


Sometimes it will say there is nothing to commit even though you have more commits.

Just do a git push or a git push -f and then check back out to master :pray:

Now visit:


Hyperapp One is MIT licensed. See LICENSE.