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YAWNDB is an in-memory circular array database written in Erlang. This language is based upon the lightweight process model allowing to process large amounts of data without consuming extra system resources. In YAWNDB the data are stored in a circular buffer named a conveyor in YAWNDB terminology. All the incoming data are dispersed and put into the archives named buckets according to certain rules. A rule is a set of properties for a set of statistical data (i.e. data size, data collection frequency, etc.)

The data in YAWNDB are represented as triplets composed of time, value and key. The key (in YAWNDB terminology it is also called path) is a sequence of lowercase letters and numeric symbols defining on which conveyor the triplet will be put.

Our approach allows to gain the following benefits:


YAWNDB is based on a circular array algorithm implemented in Ecirca library written in C. YAWNDB modules written in Erlang interact with Ecirca via native implemented functions (NIF). Data retention is provided by Bitcask application written in Erlang. The REST API is based on Cowboy web server. The data is written via the socket and read via the REST API interface.


Clone the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/selectel/yawndb.git

and then execute the following commands:

$ cd yawndb
$ make all


$ ./start.sh

Copy the configuration file:

cp priv/yawndb.yml.example priv/yawndb.yml

or create an appropriate symlink.


All YAWNDB settings are kept in the configuration file yawndb.yml.

Data Saving Settings

flush_enabledbooleanEnabling/disabling saving to disk
flush_dirstringDirectory to save data
flush_periodintegerData saving frequency (in seconds)
flush_late_thresholdfloatWrite to log if saving takes more than flush_period * flush_late_threshold seconds
flush_cacheintegerRead cache
flush_write_bufferintegerWrite cache
flush_block_sizeintegerBlock size for saving to disk

Obsolete data deletion settings

cleanup_enabledbooleanEnable/disable obsolete data deletion
cleanup_periodintegerDeletion frequency, in seconds

User API settings

listen_jsonapi_reqbooleanEnable/disable the user API
jsonapi_ifacestringSpecify which network interface that will be used
jsonapi_portintegerSpecify which local port number to use
jsonapi_prespawnedintegerNumber of workers previously created (can be increased)

Administrative API settings

listen_tcpapi_reqbooleanEnabling/disabling the administrator API
tcpapi_ifacestringSpecify which network interface that will be used
tcpapi_portintegerSpecify which local port number to use
tcpapi_prespawnedintegerNumber of workers previously created (can be increased)

Data storing settings

max_sliceintegerMaximum size of the slice to choose
ruleslistRules regulating data retention

Data storing rules

namestringThe name of the rule
prefixstringThe prefix referred by the rule
limitintegerConveyor size
splitstringDefine the way the value will be divided in case it does not match the bucket: proportional - the value will be proportionally divided between the two nearest buckets; equal - the value will be divided into halves between the two nearest buckets; forward/backward - the whole value wil be put into the previous (or the nearest) bucket
typestringDefine the value to be saved in buckets: last - only the last value will be saved; max - the maximal incoming value will be saved; min - the minimal incoming value will be saved; sum - the sum of the incoming values will be saved; avg - the average value will be saved
value_sizeintegerDefine the value size for a bucket (16, 32 и 64 bits), possible values: small, medium, large
additional_valueslistA list of "foobar: weak/strong" pairs from 0 to 14 symbols in length. Sometimes it is necessary to save the additional values not being numbers ('timeout', for example). The list of additional values is used for this purpose. The values can be either strong or weak. The weak values are updated if the bucket is updated while the strong values are never updated.
autoremovebooleanEnable/disable conveyor removal in case of data deterioration

Get data API

The data are captured with the HTTP API. There are two types of API in YAWNDB

A typical API response is given in the following form:

    "status": "ok",
    "code": "ok",
    "answer": {}

The status field may take the values ok or error. The code field contains "ok" on success. The answer is displayed in the answer field. If an error occurs, its code will be displayed in the code field; the human-readable description of the error will be displayed in the answer field.

Get a list of rules for a selected path

GET /paths/:path/rules

Example of an answer:

    "status": "ok",
    "code": "ok",
    "answer": ["stat"]

Get a list of time-value pairs for a given period:

POST /paths/slice

The conveyors are indicated in the body of the request: paths=path1/rule,path2/rule2,path3/rule3.

Request parameters:

fromintegerInitial time, UTC timestamp
tointegerEnd time, UTC timestamp

Example of an answer:

 "status": "ok",
 "code": "ok",
 "answer": [
    [63555098820, 10, 12],
    [63555098888, 16, "empty"],
    [63555098940, 12, 10],
    [63555099000, 3, 8],
    [63555099060, 10, 12],
    [63555099120, 2, 9],
    [63555099180, 7, 12],
    [63555099240, 3, 4],
    [63555099300, 20, 10],
    [63555099360, 2, 11]

Get a list of the last time-value pairs for a given period:

GET /paths/:path/:rule/slice

Request parameters:

fromintegerInitial time UTC timestamp
tointegerEnd time, UTC timestamp

Example of an answer:

 "status": "ok",
 "code": "ok",
 "answer": [
    [63555098820, 12],
    [63555098880, "empty"],
    [63555098940, 10],
    [63555099000, "empty"],
    [63555099060, 15],
    [63555099120, "empty"],
    [63555099180, 12],
    [63555099240, "empty"],
    [63555099300, 10],
    [63555099360, "empty"]

The answer contains a list of time-value pairs for a given period; if there is no value for a certain moment, the string empty is returned.

Get a list of the last time-value pairs for a conveyor:

Request parameters:

nintegerThe number of last values

Example of an answer:

 "status": "ok",
 "code": "ok",
 "answer": [
    [63555103140, 11],
    [63555103200, 10],
    [63555103260, 10],
    [63555103320, 12],
    [63555103380, 10],
    [63555103440, 10],
    [63555103500, 11],
    [63555103560, 10],
    [63555103620, 10],
    [63555103680, 14]

The answer contains a list of time-value pairs for a given period; if there is no value for a certain moment, the string empty is returned.

Administrative API

Get a server status:

GET /status

Example of an answer:

 "status": "ok",
 "code": "ok",
 "answer": {
    "read_rpm": 37,
    "write_rpm": 816042,
    "read_rps": 1,
    "write_rps": 13601,
    "processes_now": 162836,
    "processes_max": 300000,
    "paths_count": 162256,
    "dirty_paths_count": 19864

Answer fields:

read_rpmintegerRead requests per minute
write_rpmintegerWrite requests per minute
read_rpsintegerRead requests per second
write_rpsintegerWrite requests per second
processes_nowintegerNumber of active processes
processes_maxintegerMaximal number of active processes permitted
paths_countintegerNumber of paths
dirty_paths_countintegerNumber of the unsaved paths

Get the list of all paths saved

GET /paths/all

Example of an answer:

 "status": "ok",
 "code": "ok",
 "answer": [

Delete a path

DELETE /paths/:path

Example of an answer:

 "status": "ok",
 "code": "ok",
 "answer": "deleted"

Get an aggregated list of time-value pairs

POST /aggregate

The paths are indicated in the body of the request: paths=path1,path2,path3.

Parameters of the request

fromintegerInitial time, UTC timestamp
tointegerEnding time, UTC timestamp
rulestringThe rule used
aggregatestringAggregation function (max, min, avg, sum)

Example of an answer:

 "status": "ok",
 "code": "ok",
 "answer": [
    [63555096900, 12],
    [63555096960, "empty"],
    [63555097020, 10],
    [63555097080, 16],
    [63555097140, 10],
    [63555097200, "empty"],
    [63555097260, 11],
    [63555097320, 17],
    [63555097440, "empty"]

Error codes

no_aggregate400The aggregate request parameter is not indicated or improperly formulated
no_path400The path request parameter is not indicated or improperly formulated
no_rule400The rule request parameter is not indicated or improperly formulated
no_from400The from request parameter is not indicated or improperly formulated
no_to400The to request parameter is not indicated or improperly formulated
no_n400The n request parameter is not indicated or improperly formulated
no_paths400The paths request parameter is not indicated or improperly formulated
no_body400The request body is expected but absent
no_fun400Unknown request
from_to_order400The value of the from parameter is greater than that of the to parameter
page_not_found404Requested path not found
rule_not_found404The requested rule for the given path not found
slice_too_big413The number of request results is greater than the value of the max_slice parameter
process_limit500Limit of active processes achieved
memory_limit500Write limit achieved
internal500Internal error

Save data API

This API is used for saving new data to YAWNDB. To save the data connect to the TCP port indicated in the configuration file (TCP API options section) and send the packets in the indicated format. No reply from the server is expected.

The main types of data used

uint8Unsigned 8-bit number
uint16Unsigned 16-bit number in big-endian
uint64Unsigned 64-bit number in big-endian
byte*Byte sequence

Packet structure

uint16Packet size (except this field)
uint8Protocole version
uint8Flag indicating special values (0 - the value is not special)
unit64Number of seconds from the beginning of UNIX era
unit64Value (or the number of the special value)
byte*Byte sequence

Constructing a packet in Python

def encode_yawndb_packet(is_special, path, time, value):
    Construct a packet to be sent to yawndb.

    :param bool is_special: special value? used for additional_values
    :param str path: statistics identifier
    :param int value: statistics value
    is_special_int = 1 if is_special else 0
    pck_tail = struct.pack(">BBQQ", YAWNDB_PROTOCOL_VERSION, is_special_int,
                           time, value) + path
    pck_head = struct.pack(">H", len(pck_tail))
    return pck_head + pck_tail

Constructing a packet in C

// indicate the protocol version

// describe the packet structure
struct yawndb_packet_struct {
    uint16_t    length;
    uint8_t     version;
    int8_t      isSpecial;
    uint64_t    timestamp;
    uint64_t    value;
    char        path[];

// construct the packet
yawndb_packet_struct *encode_yawndb_packet(int8_t isSpecial,
    uint64_t timestamp, uint64_t value, const char * path)
    yawndb_packet_struct *packet;
    uint16_t length;

    length = sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(int8_t) + sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(uint64_t) + strlen(path);
    packet = malloc(length + sizeof(uint16_t));
    packet->length = htobe16(length);
    packet->version = YAWNDB_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
    packet->isSpecial = isSpecial;
    packet->timestamp = htobe64(timestamp);
    packet->value = htobe64(value);
    strncpy(packet->path, path, strlen(path));

    return packet;


YAWNDB was written by Dmitry Groshev in 2012. Alexander Neganov, Kagami Hiiragi, Maxim Mitroshin, Pavel Abalikhin and Fedor Gogolev have also contributed to the project.