


An easy-to-use directive for font awesome icons.


npm i -s ng2-fontawesome


First, make sure you have a CSS and font loader set up for webpack, like so:

  test: /\.css/,
  loader: 'style!css'
  test: /\.woff|\.woff2|\.svg|.eot|\.ttf/,
  loader: 'file'

It is recommended that you globally apply the Font Awesome directive like so:

import { provide, PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES } from '@angular/core';
import { FontAwesomeDirective } from 'ng2-fontawesome';
import { bootstrap } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [
  provide(PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES, { useValue: FontAwesomeDirective, multi: true })

Doing so will allow you to use the fa directive anyhwere. Supposing you don't want to do that, registering it and including it like normal will work as well.

Here is how you would use it in your templates:

<i fa [icon]="'cog'" [fw]="true"></i>


NameValid Values
iconAny font awesome icon name
fwtrue, false
size'lg', '2x', '3x', '4x', '5x'
spintrue, false
pulsetrue, false
rotate'90', '180', '270'
flip'vertical', 'horizontal'
extraany other classes you want to attach to this icon