


This is a C++ port of SteamKit2. It's framework-agnostic – you should be able to integrate it with any event loop.


Steam++ uses CMake. If you run cmake-gui in the project dir, you should see which dependencies are missing. Here's the list:


Used for serialization of most message types sent to/from Steam servers.


Used for encryption.


Used for reading .zip archives because that's what Valve uses for data compression.


SteamKit repo contains .proto files we need. If you're building steampurple on MinGW, clone it into SteamPP's parent directory. Otherwise clone it wherever you want, but set the STEAMKIT cache variable to the directory where you cloned it.

On Linux, you'll need protoc in your PATH. On Debian/Ubuntu, install protobuf-compiler.


Steam++ is designed to be compatible with any framework – in return, you must provide it with an event loop to run in. The communication occurs through callbacks – see steam++.h and the two sample projects to get a basic idea of how it works.


A small project that uses libuv as the backend. You'll have to replace "username", "password" etc with real values.


  1. Clone libuv somewhere and cd there
  2. Build a shared library:
    • On Windows: vcbuild.bat shared release
    • On Linux: follow the instructions in libuv's README to clone gyp, then ./gyp_uv -Dlibrary=shared_library && make libuv -C out BUILDTYPE=Release
  3. cd into Steam++, then run CMake again, providing it the path to libuv
  4. make steamuv should now build a steamuv executable


A libpurple plugin. Currently supports joining and leaving chats, sending and receiving friend and chat messages, as well as logging in simultaneously with the Steam client.

Note that this is very unstable and will crash at any opportunity. If it happens, please don't hesitate to submit an issue with the debug log.


Get the latest release here.

You can use the icons from pidgin-opensteamworks.

Building on Linux

  1. Install development packages for libpurple and glib. On Debian/Ubuntu those are libglib2.0-dev and libpurple-dev
  2. Rerun CMake
  3. make steam && cp libsteam.so ~/.purple/plugins

Building on MinGW

  1. Get the prerequisites:
    • Download and extract the Pidgin source.
    • Clone Steam++ next to it (i.e. pidgin-2.10.7 and SteamPP should be in the same folder).
    • Install MinGW in a path without spaces. The mainline build is broken, use e.g. MinGW-builds.
      • Download the Dev package for Glib and extract it into your MinGW directory.
      • Install MSYS.
  2. Run the following in the SteamPP directory in MSYS:
cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DPROTOBUF_LIBRARY=/mingw/lib/libprotobuf.a -DLibArchive_LIBRARY=/mingw/lib/libarchive_static.a -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=../pidgin-2.10.7/libpurple:/mingw -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="$PROGRAMFILES/Pidgin" -DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS="\"$PROGRAMFILES/Pidgin/Gtk/bin/zlib1.dll\" -static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++" -DSTEAMKIT=../SteamKit
  1. Run make steam.
  2. Copy the resulting libsteam.dll file into %appdata%\.purple\plugins.