

Sean's learning-spark project

This repo contains various Spark projects I've created to help learn spark for myself, teach others, present, and other useful information I've accumulated.

Exactly Once Message Delivery with Kafka & Cassandra

The exactlyonce project is a demonstration of implementing Kafka's Exactly Once message delivery semantics with Spark Streaming, Kafka, and Cassandra.

StackOverflow.com Analysis

The stackanalysis project analyzes StackOverflow.com post data to discover insights in regards to Scala questions asked on the site.

This project accompanied a presentation for the Scala Toronto meetup group in the winter of 2015.

GitHub Events Streaming

The githubstream project consumes data directly from the public Github Events API and demonstrates some common streaming capabilities of Apache Spark.

This project accompanied a presentation for the Scala Up North Scala conference in the fall of 2015.