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What's Up, Doc(ker)? A convenient way to interact with the docker daemon. Supdock is a wrapper for the docker command meaning you can still use all of the other docker commands without issues.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/ATV0nP7.png" width="250">


Repetitive use of docker ps, docker logs, docker stats and docker exec -ti when troubleshooting complex container setups can get chaotic. Supdock aims to optimize and speed up your workflow using docker.




cargo install supdock


npm install -g supdock

Chances are you will run into issues with yarn due to symlink issues, so install through npm instead.


Grab a binary from the releases page and move it into your desired bin (eg. /usr/local/bin) location.

mv supdock-<os> /usr/local/bin/supdock
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/supdock


If you don't want to use supdock and docker separately you can just set an alias.

alias docker="supdock"


What's Up Doc(ker)?

Usage: supdock [COMMAND]

  prune  Remove stopped containers and dangling images. For more detailed usage refer to "docker system prune -h"
  ssh    SSH into a container
  env    See the environment variables of a running container
  cat    Echo the contents of a file using cat on a container

  -h, --help  Print help

For more detailed usage on docker refer to "docker help"

Usage above can differ from the actual usage shown by the command.


For a basic changelog overview go here. I try to keep track of most general changes as best as I can.

Contributing & Troubleshooting

If you would like to see something added or you want to add something yourself feel free to create an issue or a pull request. Please provide either the panic log or your terminal output with RUST_LOG=debug enabled for easier troubleshooting.