


Swimming-Pool Automation Systen with Raspberry Pi + Home Assistant

<img src="/help/media/raspipool_main2.png" height="256">


A cost-effective, easy-to-build, easy-to-use "Swimming-Pool Automation System" with top functions to automate, control and monitorize (from web) small-medium size swimming pools.

System is intended to monitoring and automagically control most important functions and notify to mobile all possible events.

Build system:

Follow instructions in wiki howto build a bypass to connect sensors to the pool, howto connect sensors to the raspberry pi and howto connect relays between pumps and raspberry pi


  1. Install hassbian in a raspberry pi (3 or 4), and give wifi connection. (If advanced user, you can instead install raspbian + Home Assistant with this prefered method)

  2. Copy 'custom_components', 'packages' folders (with all paths and contents) and 'ui-lovelace.yaml' frontend file in homeassistant conf_dir ( i.e. /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/ ).

  3. Modify your 'configuration.yaml' (including ' packages: !include_dir_named packages', disabling automations, scripts and groups, discovery and lovelace in yaml mode) as example in code

  4. Create/modify proper 'secrets.yaml' for apis (latitude/longitude, pushbullet api, openweathermap api, etc).



For pumps <= 1.5 HP, a external sensor to measure power consumption and safe motor (based on sonoff POW)

<sub>Thanks to Hidromaster, Piscidoc, and all DIY enthusiasts from hablemosdepisicnas and TFP forums.</sub>