

<img align="right" width="150" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19890545/147574976-97120058-08c8-4969-ab72-b5db18571635.png" alt="mizu" title="mizu" /> Mizu

Mizu is Entity Component System framework for Ebitengine.

Mizu is based on ento, which is made by wfranczyk.

The name is short for Mizutaki, a japenese dish, where chicken pieces and vegetables stewed in a simple stock, and eaten with dipping sauce such as ponzu.




To check all examples, visit this page.

<a href="https://github.com/sedyh/mizu/tree/master/examples/particles"> <img width="150" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19890545/149218102-290ebacd-6cb6-472d-836f-462d4977f1c0.gif"></a> <a href="https://github.com/sedyh/mizu/tree/master/examples/tilemap"><img width="150" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19890545/149233216-652ad973-4942-494f-a790-5ff059f10559.gif"></a> <a href="https://github.com/sedyh/mizu/tree/master/examples/bunnymark"><img width="150" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19890545/149235154-52da3044-363e-491a-a25e-80915c5b8df4.gif"></a> <a href="https://github.com/sedyh/mizu/tree/master/examples/platformer"> <img width="150" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19890545/153062691-573d8647-2793-4b84-a04d-99803fe0f8c0.gif"></a>


Mizu uses Go 1.20 at the current moment.

Getting the latest version reflection API:

go get -u github.com/sedyh/mizu

Getting the latest version generics API:

go get -u github.com/sedyh/mizu@experimental


Import this package

import "github.com/sedyh/mizu/pkg/engine"

Define components, attributes of your game objects.

// Position for any entity, if it needs
type Pos struct {
    X, Y float64 // Just a 2D point

// Velocity for any entity, if it needs
type Vel struct {
    L, M float64 // Also, 2D point

// Radius for any entity, if it needs
type Rad struct {
    Value float64 // Width value

Define entities, your game objects.

// Your game object
type Ball struct {
    Pos // Ball position
    Vel // Ball velocity
    Rad // Ball radius

Define systems, your game mechanics that will work for a specific set of components.

// You can go through all entities that have a certain set of 
// components specifying the requirements in the fields of the system
type Velocity struct {
    *Pos // Current entity position
    *Vel // Current entity velocity

// Apply velocity for each entity that has Pos and Vel
func (v *Velocity) Update(w engine.World) {
    // If they are registered components, they will not be nil
    v.Pos.X += v.Vel.L
    v.Pos.Y += v.Vel.M

// When you need many sets of components
// in one system, you can use the views
type Render struct {}

// Render one frame
func (r *Render) Draw(w engine.World, screen *ebiten.Image) {
    // But choose the right entities yourself
    view := w.View(Pos{}, Rad{})
    view.Each(func(entity engine.Entity) {
        var pos *Pos
        var rad *Rad
        entity.Get(&pos, &rad)
            pos.X-rad.Value/2, pos.Y-rad.Value/2,
            rad.Value, rad.Value,

Define scenes, where will all this live.

type Game struct{}

// Main scene, you can use that for settings or main menu
func (g *Game) Setup(w engine.World) {
    w.AddComponents(Pos{}, Vel{}, Rad{})
    w.AddEntities(&Ball{Pos{0, 0}, Vel{4, 4}, Rad{10}})
    w.AddSystems(&Velocity{}, &Render{})

Run the game.

// Provides its own ebiten.Game implementation
g := engine.NewGame(&Game{})
if err := ebiten.RunGame(g); err != nil {


Please visit our wiki for a helpful articles and best practices about Mizu.