

Smart Contract Security Verification Standard


Damian Rusinek (damian.rusinek@securing.pl), Paweł Kuryłowicz (pawel.kurylowicz@securing.pl)


Smart Contract Security Verification Standard (v1.2) is a FREE 14-part checklist created to standardize the security of smart contracts for developers, architects, security reviewers and vendors. This list helps to avoid the majority of known security problems and vulnerabilities by providing guidance at every stage of the development cycle of the smart contracts (from designing to implementation).


Use cases

You can use the SCSVS checklist in multiple ways:

The entire checklist is in a form similar to OWASP APPLICATION SECURITY VERIFICATION STANDARD v4.0. Every category has a brief description of the control objectives and a list of security verification requirements.

Download SCSVS PDF version

Key areas that have been included:

Severity of the risk

Threat modelling and risk analysis are important parts of the security assessment. Threat modelling allows to discover the potential threats and their risk impact. The aim of risk analysis is to identify security risks and determine their severity which allows to prioritize them in the mitigation process.

The SCSVS does not include the severity of the risks related to the requirements. Even though there are multiple methodologies to assess the severity, each application is unique and so are the threat actors, their goals, and the impact of a breach.

Moreover, the requirements cannot be uniquely linked to the security risks as many risks can refer to one requirement and many requirements can refer to one risk.

We recommend to determine the severity of the risks related with the requirements when performing the security assessment using SCSVS standard.

We recommend Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), a free and open industry standard for assessing the severity of security vulnerabilities.

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