

BucketScanner (by @Rzepsky)

BucketScanner is a tool used to:

Oh my gosh... another AWS bucket scanner!?

Surprisingly I haven't found a one tool which has all these features:

  1. supports authenticated requests.
  2. checks a bucket even if you don't have 'ListBucket' permissions (I found examples when a bucket policy allows for downloading files, however in the reply to GET request to the bucket I got 403 code).
  3. the verbose mode is printed out on the terminal window while in the output file you can find URLs to only collectable files (when you work on big amounts of files it can save you a lot of time)
  4. supports test for uploading a file.
  5. supports regular expressions (to filter out only interesting files).
  6. supports minimum and maximum size filters.
  7. supports multithreading.


BucketScanner.py -l BUCKET_LIST [-w WRITE_TEST_FILE] [-r REGEX]  [-s MIN_SIZE] [-m MAX_SIZE] [-t THREADS] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-h HELP]

Command line options

Please note that to use authenticated requests you have to specify AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY variables in BucketScanner.py file.


$ python BucketScanner.py -l bucket_list.txt -w upload_file.txt -r '^.*\.(db|sql)' -t 50 -s 5242880 -o output.txt

Using the above command, a BucketScanner will:


To run the BucketScanner you have to install python boto3 and requests libraries. You can do this by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


See the LICENSE file.