


See http://secretgeek.net/ok for the blog post launching (and describing) "ok".

"ok" gives you .ok folder profiles for shell scripts

ok-bash Works with bash and zsh shells (There is also a PowerShell version). See also shell support.

ok makes you smarter and more efficient.

Do you work on many different projects? And in each project, are there commands you use that are specific to that project? You need a .ok file.

An .ok file holds a bunch of handy one-liners, specific to the folder it is in. It can be viewed with a simple command. Any command can be executed with the command ok <number> (example, ok 3 to run the 3rd command.)

Imagine your .ok file contains these three lines:

./build.sh # builds the project
./deploy.sh # deploys the project
./commit_push.sh "$1" # commit with comment, rebase and push

You can run those commands with "ok 1", "ok 2" or "ok 3 'oops!'", respectively.

An .ok file acts as a neat place to document how a given project works. This is useful if you have many projects, or many people working on a project. It's such a little file; it's so quick to write and so easy to edit.

It's better than normal documentation: it's executable.

If you run the command ok (with no parameters) you'll see the file listed, with numbers against each command:

$ ok
1: ./build.sh            # builds the project
2: ./deploy.sh           # deploys the project
3: ./commit_push.sh "$1" # commit with comment, rebase and push

(It will also be stylishly formatted, to make it easier to read at a glance)

Then if you run ok <number> (ok followed by a number) you'll execute that line of the file.

$ ok 1
$ ./build.sh # builds the project

And you can pass simple arguments to the commands. For example:

$ ok 3 "Added laser guidance system"
$ ./commit_push.sh "$1" # commit with comment, rebase and push

Committing with comment "Added laser guidance system"
Commit succeeded.
Rebase successful
Pushing to master.

Getting started


Clone the git-repository (git clone https://github.com/secretGeek/ok-bash.git), so you can easily update it with a git pull.

Install it by "." (i.e. dot-sourcing) the "ok.sh" script from your ~/.bashrc (or your favorite initialization script), e.g:

. ~/path/to/ok-bash/ok.sh

💡 Pro tip: The script needs to be "sourced", otherwise commands like cd and export in your .ok file wouldn't have any effect.

For more advanced installation options, check out the sections customization or more installation info below.

First steps after installing

You can try out the included .ok file by navigating to ~/path/to/ok-bash and type ok. Explore some of the options.

Next you can create your own .ok file. Navigate to any folder where you want to use ok, and run for example:

echo '# My first ok-command'>>.ok
echo 'echo "Hi $USER, the time when pressed enter was $(date "+%H:%M:%S")"'>>.ok

The first line adds a "heading" to the .ok file, which is nice to keep the file organized. I used append redirect (>>.ok) to append a line to the .ok file. When the file doesn't exist, it's created.

Also, I use single quotes ', so no funny things happen to the string, before it ends up in your .ok file. This way, $USER and $(date...) are evaluated when the ok command is run, not when you add the line to the .ok file.

What to put in these .ok files? A good place to start is the projects documentation: search for all commands that are buried in there. Even add running a script file with a comment (and grouped under the correct heading) can be really helpfull. And whenever you man a command or search Google for it, remember to check if it's worth to add it to your .ok file. It probably is. And it's easy to remove again.

After that you can look at customization. This allows you to do things such as:

Named commands

So far every code line got a number. That is still the case, but you can optionally assign names to lines. Start the line with a command name and end it with a colon.

So take this .ok file from earlier in this document, slightly altered:

./build.sh # builds the project
deploy:./deploy.sh # deploys the project
./commit_push.sh "$1" # commit with comment, rebase and push

When you now run ok you will see this:

$ ok
     1: ./build.sh            # builds the project
deploy: ./deploy.sh           # deploys the project
     3: ./commit_push.sh "$1" # commit with comment, rebase and push

To run the second (now named) line, you can type ok deploy, but running ok 2 still works. You don't even need to type the whole command: only the part from the left that's unique within the ok-file is enough. In this case that would be ok d, because no other command starts with the letter "d". The unique part of the name will be printed slightly brighter, if your terminal supports it.

You can't use every text as a command name. The first character has to be a letter or underscore (_). After this, you also can use numbers, a dash (-) or a period (.). The command has to be ASCII and is interpreted case-sensitive. You can put whitespace around it, but that will be stripped because ok-sh does some formatting so it looks nice.

Auto completion

Installing ok.sh in Bash will automatically initialize auto complete. Pressing the TAB-key will complete internal and named commands. (Long form) options will auto-complete after you enter a dash.

Some examples:

$ ok li[TAB]	     # press TAB key
$ ok list[BEL]	     # it completes to 'list', but alerts with a BEL because there are multiple expansions 
$ ok list[TAB][TAB]  # pressing TAB twice shows the expansions
list         list-once    list-prompt
$ ok --[TAB][TAB]    # type a dash to auto-complete options
--alias   --comment-align   --file   --help   --quiet   --verbose   --version
$ ok [TAB][TAB]      # shows all internal and named commands available
args  args-all  color.custom  color.reset  color.text  help  list  list-once  list-prompt  show-env


If you tried to run the script directly, you might have noticed there are some options to customize ok. Let's show the output here:

$ ./ok.sh
tip: "." (i.e. source) this file from your ~/.profile, e.g. ". /path/to/ok-bash/ok.sh <arguments>"

arguments, if you need to customize (these can also be set via arguments/environment):
  reset            Reset (unset) all environment variables ($_OK_*) and will undo  'auto_show' if set (can modify $PROMPT_COMMAND)
  prompt <prompt>  Use the supplied prompt (e.g. prompt '> ')
  prompt_default   Prompt default when issueing running ok without arguments
  auto_show        Perform 'ok list-once' every time the prompt is shown (modifies $PROMPT_COMMAND)
  comment_align N  Level of comment alignment. See $_OK_COMMENT_ALIGN
  verbose          Enable verbose mode
  quiet            Enable quiet mode

The options shown here are called installation helpers. Because it's likely you want to install this tool on all your machines, the customization is optimized to fit on one line for easy copy-'n'-pasting!

Before I explain these helpers, I'd like to show the ok-command help screen, because they are related:

$ ok -v -h # The verbose option (-v) makes 'ok' also show the used environment variables
Usage: ok [options] <named or numbered command> [script-arguments..]
       ok [options] <internal command> [options]

command (use one):
  <number>            Run an unnamed command (the <number>th unnamed command) from the ok-file.
  <name>              Run an named command from the ok-file (starts with a letter/underscore, followed by same and dash/period/numbers)
  list                Show the list from the ok-file. Default command.
  list-once           Same as list, but only show when pwd is different from when the list was last shown.
  list-prompt         Show the list and wait for input at the ok-prompt (like --list and <number> in one command).
  help                Show this usage page.
  -c, --comment-align N  Level of comment alignment. See $_OK_COMMENT_ALIGN
  -v, --verbose       Show more output, mostly errors. Also it shows environment-variables in this screen.
  -q, --quiet         Only show really necessary output, so surpress echoing the command.
  -f, --file <file>   Use a custom file instead of the default '.ok-sh' and '.ok' files; use '-' for stdin
  -a, --alias <name>  When using 'ok' in an alias, <name> is used to keep the history correct when used with 'list-prompt'.
  -V, --version       Show version number and exit
  -h, --help          Show this help screen
system options:
  --sys-cmds          Show all commands, space seperated (used for auto-complete)
  --sys-opts          Show all options (long form), space seperated (used for auto-complete)
  ...                 These are passed through, when a line is executed (you can enter these too at the ok-prompt)

environment variables (used for colored output; current colors are shown):
  _OK_C_HEADING      Color-code for lines starting with a comment (heading). Defaults to red.
  _OK_C_NUMBER       Color-code for numbering, or significant (left) part of the command. Defaults to bright cyan.
  _OK_C_NUMBER2      Color-code for non-significant (right) part of the command. Defaults to cyan.
  _OK_C_COMMENT      Color-code for comments after commands. Defaults to blue.
  _OK_C_COMMAND      Color-code for commands. Defaults to color-reset.
  _OK_C_PROMPT       Color-code for prompt (both input as command confirmation). Defaults to color for numbering.
environment variables (other configuration):
  _OK_COMMENT_ALIGN  Level (unset) of comment alignment. 0=no alignment, 1=align consecutive lines (default), 2=including whitespace, 3 align all.
  _OK_PROMPT         String (unset) used as prompt (both input as command confirmation). Defaults to '$ '.
  _OK_PROMPT_DEFAULT Setting (unset) if the prompt is default shown. 1=use command list-prompt when issuing no command, otherwise use list.
  _OK_VERBOSE        Level (unset) of feedback ok provides. 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose. Defaults to 1. Can be overriden with --verbose or --quiet.
environment variables (for internal use):
  _OK__DATAFILE_SIMILAR When set (unset), data is written to specified path+filename for analytic purpose.
  _OK__LAST_PWD         Remember the path (/path/to/some/place/with/an/.ok/file) that was last listed, for use with the list-once command.
  _OK__PATH_TO_ME       The path (/path/to/ok-bash) to the location of this script.
  _OK__PATH_TO_PYTHON   The path (/path/to/bin/python3) to the used python interpreter.

How this all works together is explained below.

Customizing behaviour

So if you want to change the prompt to % and want ok to prompt for a line number directly after entering ok, install ok-bash like this:

. ~/path/to/ok-bash/ok.sh prompt "% " prompt_default

The example from the beginning of this README will look like the following (the $ is bash' prompt, and the % is ok's prompt now; we just changed the prompt, remember?):

$ ok
1: ./build.sh            # builds the project
2: ./deploy.sh           # deploys the project
3: ./commit_push.sh "$1" # commit with comment, rebase and push
% 3 "Added laser guidance system"
% ./commit_push.sh "$1" # commit with comment, rebase and push

Committing with comment "Added laser guidance system"
Commit succeeded.
Rebase successful
Pushing to master.

Instead of using the installation helper, this can also be done by the following lines (the environment variables are listed by the ok -v -h command above):

. ~/path/to/ok-bash/ok.sh

Using an installation helper is a bit shorter, right?

If you automatically want to see the .ok file when it's present when you change the current directory, like a menu, you can use the auto_show helper:

. ~/path/to/ok-bash/ok.sh auto_show

This will actually modify $PROMPT_COMMAND, which is ran whenever you change directories. auto_show will add ok list-once to this command, so it will show the .ok file, but only once.

If you want to play around with the installation helpers, reset as argument will go back to the initial state. Combined with a custom prompt and auto_show you can issue:

. ~/path/to/ok-bash/ok.sh reset prompt '>>>' auto_show

You can make ok more "verbose" or more "quiet" by the options with the same name. More verbose mostly means an error message will be written to stderr. This might help you to understand ok's behaviour better. For example ok 12345 will do nothing and exit with exit-code 2, but ok -v 12345 will complain with ERROR: entered line number '12345' does not exist.

Also as demonstrated in the beginning of this Customization chapter, the help-screen will show the used environment-variabels when specifing -v or --verbose.

The -q or --quiet option will suppress output from ok-bash itself. So when you run ok -q 1 the command on line 1 will be executed, but ok-bash will not echo the command to the screen.

You can specify the verbose/quiet-options as installation helper, environment variable or argument option. There is no environment variable for quiet. Instead you use export _OK_VERBOSE=0 for quiet. The argument option will override any environment setting.

Customizing formatting and colors

Finally you can customize colors and formatting. I'll start with aligning comments, which can be indented, so they start on the same column. To align all comments:

. ~/path/to/ok-bash/ok.sh comment_align 3

You can also do this by setting an environment variable:


You have multiple "levels" of alignment. You can switch alignment off (0); align comment blocks (1 and also default), ditto but comment blocks may also contain empty lines (2) or align all comments on the same column (3). There is also "wrap protection": if indentation would cause the line to wrap, that line would be indented less.

This different setting are best explained visually (see the file demo/fmt/.ok):

<p><img src="https://blog.zanstra.com/ok-bash/demo/fmt/termtosvg_demo_fmt.svg" alt="Interaction of file `demo/fmt/.ok` visualized"></p>

There are no installation helpers for setting colors at the moment. You can control the colors with the _OK_C_* variables shown with the command ok -v -h. The easiest way to determine colors is with tput:

_OK_C_HEADING="$(tput setaf 3)"  # show headings (lines without commands but with a comment) in YELLOW
_OK_C_NUMBER="$(tput setaf 2)"   # show the command numbers and prompt in GREEN

You can also checkout ok-bash's own .ok file to play around.

Creating your own commands

To explain the file/alias argument options, I will start with this example:

alias SSH='ok --verbose --file ~/.ssh/.ok --alias SSH'

This will create the alias SSH, which will show a list of all ssh connections and/or let you establish a connection to one. The --file ~/.ssh/.ok tells ok-bash to look for the .ok file in that absolute path. The --alias SSH argument tells the alias what it's name is (in bash, normally an alias doesn't know it's own name unless it's been told so). The --verbose option will make ok-bash very vocal about any mistake you might make.

Besides creating this alias, you also need to populate the ~/.ssh/.ok file yourself. You could also generate this list from your ~/.ssh/config file, but this works for me. I've grouped my connections in the ~/.ssh/.ok file like this:

 # LAN nodes
 ssh local_server
 # Internet nodes
 ssh internet_server

You can think up anything you want; the sky is the limit. I intent to keep a list here of examples for inspiration:

More installation info

On Linux machines with multiple users, it makes sense to have a shared installation:

cd /opt
sudo git clone https://github.com/secretGeek/ok-bash.git
# Let current users and users in group staff update the ok-bash installation
sudo chown -R $(id -un):staff /opt/ok-bash
sudo chmod -R 0775 ok-bash #

Why install in /opt? I guess this would be the best location. After all: ok-bash only works with scripts, not binaries.

If you want all users to automatically have ok-sh initialized:

echo ". /opt/ok-bash/ok.sh" | sudo tee "/etc/profile.d/ok-bash.sh"

Why use tee? Here is why!.

For per-user use, add something like this to the ~/.bashrc¹:

. /opt/ok-bash/ok.sh

¹) or your favorite initialization script.

Shell support

Bash is supported, starting with version 3.2, which is installed on macOS, and up (most Linux installations).

Zsh is also supported, but some notes:


ok should run on a standard Linux or macOS installation. That means minimum bash 3.2 and python 2.7 (python code should also work in python 3.5+).

For testing: if you don't want to source the script after every change you make: you can run ./ok.sh test ... as a shortcut. This starts a sub-shell, so there won't be any side effects (like cd).

End notes

The SVG terminal animations were made with the excellent termtosvg.