


OpenSSF Scorecard Documentation

log4ngx is a Typescript logging framework for Angular projects, based on concepts used in Log4j, Log4net, etc.

Current Status
The library is now complete enough to be used in production if the ConsoleAppender and LocalStorageAppender are sufficient for your needs. Documentation is being completed in the repository and will be updated as progress is made - as soon as it is in a reasonably complete state, a proper link will be made available here.

Until then, the demo project contains examples of configuring and using the library.



The LogService is the factory with which you instantiate Loggers in each of the components, services, etc, in which you wish to log messages. Behind the scenes, it also orchestrates the dispatch of messages from the Loggers to the appropriate Appenders.


The LogService is configured using an instance of the LogServiceConfig, typically created in your application's main module. The configuration defines the parameters used with each Appender and how each Appender relates to the various Loggers.


Loggers provide access to the methods for logging messages at the required Level. Each class - i.e. component, module or service - will usually define its own Logger which will identify that class within any messages logged via it.


Appenders are responsible for sending log entries to the underlying target or service. Configuration will normally depend on the target/service, but all Appenders are configured with the layout format for messages logged to them.