

Symfony Validation Bundle

Additional validators set for Symfony.

Compatibility matrix

Bundle versionMaintainedSymfony versionsMin. PHP version
1.8No5.x, 4.x7.1.0


From the command line run

$ composer require secit-pl/validation-bundle



This validator checks if value is not blank like a standard NotBlank Symfony validator, but also allows define the condition when the NotBlank validation should be performed using Symfony Expression Language.

From Symfony 6.2 you can also use When validator.



Example usage

use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints as SecITAssert;

// ...

private ?string $email = null;

public function isSuperUser(): bool
    return true;


expressionstringempty arrayThe expression that will be evaluated. If the expression evaluates to a false value (using ==, not ===), not blank validation won't be performed)
valuesarrayempty arrayThe values of the custom variables used in the expression. Values can be of any type (numeric, boolean, strings, null, etc.)


This validator checks if file has valid file extension.

From Symfony 6.2 you can also use the "extensions" option in File validator.



Example usage

use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints as SecITAssert;

// ...

#[SecITAssert\FileExtension(["jpg", "jpeg", "png"])]
private $file;
use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints as SecITAssert;

// ...

#[SecITAssert\FileExtension(disallowedExtensions: ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"])]
private $file;


validExtensionsarrayempty arrayAllowed/valid file extensions list
disallowedExtensionsarrayempty arrayDisallowed/invalid file extensions list
matchCaseboolfalseEnable/disable verifying the file extension case

Caution! It's highly recommended to use this validator together with native Symfony File/Image validator.

use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints as SecITAssert;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

// ...

#[Assert\Image(maxSize: '2M', mimeTypes: ["image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/png"])]
#[SecITAssert\FileExtension(validExtensions: ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"])]
private $file;


Checks if collection contains only unique elements.

From Symfony 6.0 you can also use the Unique validator.



matchCaseboolfalseEnable/disable verifying the characters case
customNormalizationFunctionnull or callablenullCustom normalization function
use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints as SecITAssert;

// ...

private $collection;

This validator can also be used to validate unique files upload.



namespace App\Form;

use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints\CollectionOfUniqueElements;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CollectionType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FileType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

class ExampleType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $builder->add('files', CollectionType::class, [
            'entry_type' => FileType::class,
            'allow_add' => true,
            'constraints' => [
                new CollectionOfUniqueElements(),


Checks if text contains XSS attack using voku\anti-xss library.

use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints as SecITAssert;

// ...

private $text;


Perform very naive check if text contains HTML.

use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints as SecITAssert;

// ...

private $text;


strongValidationbooltrue (recommended)Enable/disable strong validation. Disable if you'd like to allow strings with unclosed tags such as "I <3 You".


Checks if email address is a throw away email addresses (burner email). This check is perform against the list provided by wesbos/burner-email-providers. You need to install this package manually (composer require wesbos/burner-email-providers) if you'd like to use this validator.

use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints as SecITAssert;

// ...

private $email;


Scans file for infection using ClamAV. The check is made using the bundle sineflow/clamav. You need to install and configure this package manually if you'd like to use this validator.

You can find test files here https://github.com/fire1ce/eicar-standard-antivirus-test-files/tree/master.

The validator will not work if the PrivateTmp is set to true because the temp file path in php will differ from the real system temp file path so the clamscan will not find the file to scan!

use SecIT\ValidationBundle\Validator\Constraints as SecITAssert;

// ...

private \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File $file;

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