


This repository contains the pre-release version of the code accompanying the paper <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.16528" target="_blank">"LoQT: Low Rank Adapters for Quantized Training"</a>. Note that this is an early version of the codebase. LoQT is a method for training quantized models with low-rank adapters, aimed at reducing the number of parameters in large language models. This method is implemented in PyTorch and enables efficient quantized pre-training and fine-tuning of models, achieving results close to full-rank, non-quantized models.

LoQT allows for the pre-training of a 13B LLM on a 24GB GPU without model parallelism, checkpointing, or offloading strategies during training.

Table of Contents


To install the dependencies, run the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will create a conda environment with all the necessary packages. Make sure to activate the environment:

conda activate loqt

Usage Examples


To run a sample script for pre-training a 350m Llama 2 model, use the following command:

bash scripts/benchmark_pretraining/350m_loqt8bit.sh

Adapting Language Models

We also provide example scripts for tuning Llama2 and Llama3 from Meta.

bash scripts/continued_pretraining/llama2_7b_ic3.sh
bash scripts/continued_pretraining/llama3_8b_ic3.sh

Fine-tuning for Natural Language Understanding

To run a sample script for fine-tuning, use the following command:

bash scripts/finetuning_deberta/finetune_cola.sh

Example script

To run a specific training configuration, you can use the following command:

torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node 1 --nnodes 1 torchrun_main.py \
    --model_config configs/llama_350m.json \
    --seed 42 \
    --lr 0.01 \
    --rank 256 \
    --lora_alpha 0.5 \
    --update_proj_gap 100 \
    --batch_size 128 \
    --total_batch_size 512 \
    --num_training_steps 60000 \
    --warmup_steps 6000 \
    --eval_every 2000 \
    --save_every 10000 \
    --dtype bfloat16 \
    --use_loqt True \
    --quantize_w 4bit \
    --quantize_projection_matrix '4bit' \
    --compensate_quant_error_iterations 5 \
    --proj_gap_progression "exponential" \
    --increment_size 1.2 \
    --single_gpu \
    --optimizer adam8bit \
    --name 350m_LoQT_8bit

Continued pre-training example is available in the scripts/continued_pretraining folder.

More details can be found in torchrun_main.py for pretraining and run_glue.py for fine-tuning.

Save Original Non-Quantized Model

To save the original input model (e.g., a LLaMA2 model) without quantization and the adapters, use the following flag when running the script:

--save_original_model True 

The original model (original_model.pth) will be saved in the same checkpoint directory as the quantized model with adapters (loqt_model.pth).

Memory Usage

To compare memory usage across different model configuraions, you can run the scripts in the folder memory_profiling. This script all.sh logs the memory usage of the model with and without quantization for LoQT, GaLore, and the regular Adam optimizer. The memory profiling is done for both 16-bit and 8-bit optimizers. Additionally, for GaLore and LoQT, per-layer gradient updates are also run. 13b_rank1024_loqt.sh logs the memory usage of the 13B model with a rank of 1024 for LoQT.

Running the Script

Execute the following command to run the memory profiling script:

bash scripts/memory_profiling.sh

Script Details

The script contains a line that declares an array of models and their corresponding ranks:

declare -a models_and_ranks=("MODEL_CONFIG:MODEL_RANK")

For example, to test the memory usage for the llama_350m model with a rank of 256, you would modify the line as follows:

declare -a models_and_ranks=("llama_350m:256")

If you want to test the memory usage for the llama_7b model with a rank of 1024, you would use:

declare -a models_and_ranks=("llama_7b:1024")


To run the benchmark pre-training scripts, navigate to the benchmark_pretraining folder. The scripts are named after the model size.

For fine-tuning benchmarks using DeBERTa-v3 on GLUE tasks, navigate to the finetuning_deberta folder. The scripts are named after the task.


Parts of the code are based on the repository by Jiawei Zhao et al.: https://github.com/jiaweizzhao/GaLore.

This work was supported by Danish Data Science Academy, which is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF21SA0069429) and VILLUM FONDEN (40516).


If you use this codebase in your work, please cite our paper:

    title={LoQT: Low Rank Adapters for Quantized Training},
    author={Sebastian Loeschcke and Mads Toftrup and Michael J. Kastoryano and Serge Belongie and Vésteinn Snæbjarnarson},