


This is a Neovim and Vim plugin for debugging Go applications using Delve. The project works a lot nicer on Neovim with the built-in terminal, so that's what we recommend. But it is decent to work with on Vim if you have Shougo/vimshell.vim installed.

If you like this project, please star it. If you feel even more generous, please follow @sebdah on Twitter!

Feature highlights

animated example


For Neovim and Vim 8, you really only need Delve to get started.

If you wish to use the vimux support, you'd need to have this plugin as well:

Requirements for Vim 7 and earlier

If you are on Vim versions older than 8, you'll also need the following two packages:


Using vim-plug, add the following to your init.vim if you're on Neovim or .vimrc, if you're on vim:

Plug 'sebdah/vim-delve'

Then reload neovim and run PlugInstall.


DlvAddBreakpointAdd a breakpoint at the current line.
DlvAddTracepointAdd a tracepoint at the current line.
DlvAttach <pid> [flags]Attach dlv to a running process.
DlvClearAllClear all the breakpoints and tracepoints in the buffer.
DlvCore <bin> <dump> [flags]Debug core dumps using dlv core.
DlvConnect host:port [flags]Connect to a remote Delve server on the given host:port.
DlvDebug [flags]Run dlv debug for the current session. Use this to test main packages.
DlvExec <bin> [flags]Start dlv on a pre-built executable.
DlvRemoveBreakpointRemove the breakpoint at the current line.
DlvRemoveTracepointRemove the tracepoint at the current line.
DlvTest [flags]Run dlv test for the current session. Use this to debug non-main packages.
DlvTestCurrent [flags]Run dlv test for the current test or function. Use this to debug non-main packages.
DlvToggleBreakpointConvenience method to toggle (add or remove) a breakpoint at the current line.
DlvToggleTracepointConvenience method to toggle (add or remove) a tracepoint at the current line.
DlvVersionPrint the dlv version.


SettingDefault valueComment
g:delve_backenddefaultDefines the backend to use with Delve. Please refer to the Delve documentation for details on what you should set this value to.
g:delve_sign_groupdelveSet the sign group.
g:delve_sign_priority10Set the sign priority.
g:delve_breakpoint_sign_highlightWarningMsgSet the color profile for the sign.
g:delve_breakpoint_signSets the sign to use to indicate breakpoints in the gutter.
g:delve_tracepoint_sign_highlightWarningMsgSet the color profile for the sign.
g:delve_tracepoint_signSets the sign to use to indicate tracepoints in the gutter.
g:delve_cache_path$HOME . "/.cache/" . v:progname . "/vim-delve"The path to where the instructions file for dlv is stored.
g:delve_instructions_fileg:delve_cache_path ."/". getpid() .".". localtime()The instructions file name.
g:delve_enable_syntax_highlighting1Turn syntax highlighting in the dlv output on or off.
g:delve_enable_linenr_highlighting0Turn line number highlighting on or off.
g:delve_new_commandvnewControl if dlv should be opened in a vertical (vnew), horizontal (new), full screen window (enew) or full screen window in new tab(tabnew).
g:delve_use_vimux 0Sets whether to use benmills/vimux].
g:delve_project_rootOverride the path to use for setting breakpoints/tracepoints.

The settings above can be set in your init.vim like this:

let g:delve_backend = "native"

Frequently Asked Questions

Got an error about lldb-server on Mac OS X

If you get a message like the one below on Mac OS X, try setting g:delve_backend to native.

could not launch process: exec: "lldb-server": executa ble file not found in $PATH

Example: let g:delve_backend = "native"

Contributing to vim-delve

Contributions to the project is most welcome. I'd be happy to review and merge pull requests. If you need any directions in your implementation we can always discuss that too.

What can I do to help?

There are many things that this project need, but some examples could be:


MIT Licensed software.