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MongoDB pipeline for Scrapy. This library supports both MongoDB in standalone setups and replica sets. It will insert items to MongoDB as soon as your spider finds data to extract. scrapy-mongodb can also buffer objects if you prefer to write chunks of data to MongoDB rather than one write per document (see MONGODB_BUFFER_DATA option for details).



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Install via pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install scrapy-mongodb


Basic configuration

Add these options to settings.py file:

    'scrapy_mongodb.MongoDBPipeline': 300,

MONGODB_URI = 'mongodb://localhost:27017'

If you want a unique key in your database, name the key with this option:


Replica sets

You can configure scrapy-mongodb to support MongoDB replica sets by adding MONGODB_REPLICA_SET option and specify additional replica set hosts in MONGODB_URI:

MONGODB_REPLICA_SET = 'myReplicaSetName'
MONGODB_URI = 'mongodb://host1.example.com:27017,host2.example.com:27017,host3.example.com:27017'

If you need to ensure that your data has been replicated, use the MONGODB_REPLICA_SET_W option. It is an implementation of the w parameter in pymongo. Details from the pymongo documentation:

Write operations will block until they have been replicated to the specified number or tagged set of servers. w=<int> always includes the replica set primary (e.g. w=3 means write to the primary and wait until replicated to two secondaries). Passing w=0 disables write acknowledgement and all other write concern options.

Data buffering

To ease the load on MongoDB, scrapy-mongodb has a buffering feature. You can enable it by setting MONGODB_BUFFER_DATA to the buffer size you want. E.g: scrapy-mongodb will write 10 documents at a time to the database if you set:


It is not possible to combine this feature with MONGODB_UNIQUE_KEY. Technically due to that the update method in pymongo doesn't support multi-doc updates.


scrapy-mongodb can append a timestamp to your item when inserting it to the database. Enable this feature with:


This will modify the document to something like this:

    'scrapy-mongodb': {
        'ts': ISODate("2013-01-10T07:43:56.797Z")

The timestamp is in UTC.

One collection per spider

It's possible to write data to 1 collection per spider. To enable that feature, set this environment variable:


Full list of available options

MONGODB_DATABASEscrapy-mongodbNoDatabase to use. Does not need to exist.
MONGODB_COLLECTIONitemsNoCollection within the database to use. Does not need to exist.
MONGODB_URImongodb://localhost:27017NoURI to the MongoDB instance or replica sets you want to connect to. It must start with mongodb:// (see more in the MongoDB docs). E.g.: mongodb://user:pass@host:port, mongodb://user:pass@host:port,host2:port2
MONGODB_UNIQUE_KEYNoneNoIf you want to have a unique key in the database, enter the key name here. scrapy-mongodb will ensure the key is properly indexed.
MONGODB_BUFFER_DATANoneNoTo ease the load on MongoDB, set this option to the number of items you want to buffer in the client before sending them to database. Setting a MONGODB_UNIQUE_KEY together with MONGODB_BUFFER_DATA is not supported.
MONGODB_ADD_TIMESTAMPFalseNoIf set to True, scrapy-mongodb will add a timestamp key to the documents.
MONGODB_FSYNCFalseNoIf set to True, it forces MongoDB to wait for all files to be synced before returning.
MONGODB_REPLICA_SETNoneYes, for replica setsSet this if you want to enable replica set support. The option should be given the name of the replica sets you want to connect to. MONGODB_URI should point at your config servers.
MONGODB_REPLICA_SET_W0NoBest described in the pymongo docs. Write operations will block until they have been replicated to the specified number or tagged set of servers. w=<int> always includes the replica set primary (e.g. w=3 means write to the primary and wait until replicated to two secondaries). Passing w=0 disables write acknowledgement and all other write concern options.
MONGODB_STOP_ON_DUPLICATE0NoSet this to a value greater than 0 to close the spider when that number of duplicated insertions in MongoDB are detected. If set to 0, this option has no effect.

Deprecated options

Since scrapy-mongodb 0.5.0

MONGODB_HOSTlocalhostNoMongoDB host name to connect to. Use MONGODB_URI instead.
MONGODB_PORT27017NoMongoDB port number to connect to. Use MONGODB_URI instead.
MONGODB_REPLICA_SET_HOSTSNoneNoHost string to use to connect to the replica set. See the hosts_or_uri option in the pymongo docs. Use MONGODB_URI instead.


make release


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This project is maintained by: Sebastian Dahlgren (GitHub | Twitter | LinkedIn).


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