

<div align="center" style="text-align: center;"> <img width="200" src="glms.png"/> </div>

Generalized Linear Model Script

A scripting language focused on linear algebra, heavily inspired by GLSL and JavaScript.

This language comes with types, functions and structures commonly used when doing linear algebra, such as: vec2, vec3, vec4, dot, cross, lerp, sin, cos ...etc

(There are more to come, and everything is not implemented yet).

Caution :warning:

This is a work in progress!

Building & using it :hammer:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && make -j8

./glms_e <input_file.gs>

Extensions :electric_plug:

It's possible to create extensions for GLMS,
here is an example.
This specific extension let's you draw on a "canvas" using OpenGL.

import "libglms_canvas.so" as canvasLib;
typedef (canvasLib.canvas) canvas; // we're making a "promise" to the interpreter
                                   // that this type will exist later.

canvas c = canvas(640, 480);

// opens a window, changes can be seen in real-time
c.shade((vec3 uv, vec3 fragCoord, vec3 resolution, number time) => {
    return vec4(0.5 * (0.5 + cos(uv.x*time)), 0.5 * (0.5 + sin(uv.y * time)), cos(time), 1.0);

Documentation :open_book:

To see documentation, built-in functions etc,
Have a look at this


Want to integrate GLMS for scripting in an existing project?
Have a look at this

Some interesting features :muscle:

Some examples :mag:

Shader-like image manipulation

number w = 640;
number h = 480;

image img = image.make(w, h);

img.shade((vec3 uv, vec3 fragCoord, vec3 resolution) => {
  vec3 center = resolution * 0.5;
  number d = abs(distance(fragCoord, center));
  number g = 255 * (d < TAU * 6.0 * (1.0 + random()));
  vec3 color = mix(vec3(0.1, 0.3, 0.9), vec3(1), g);
  return vec4(color.xyz, 1.0);


Functional programming

array arr = [1, 2, 3];

array mapped = arr.map((number v) => v * 2);

print(mapped);  // [2.000000, 4.000000, 6.000000]


vec3 a = vec3(1, 0, 0);
vec3 b = vec3(0, 1, 0);
vec3 c = cross(a, b);


vec3 d = vec3(random(), random(), random());

vec3 e = vec3(random(), random(), random());

print(distance(d, e));

vec3 f = vec3(random());


number dp = dot(d, f);



number x = 25.012;
number y = 98.241;

number z = lerp(x, y, 0.1);

print(z); // 32.334900


number value = 2312.0;
value = clamp(value, 0.0, 1.0);
print(value); // 1.000000


typedef struct {
  number age;
  string name;
} Person;

Person p = Person(33, "John Doe");

print(p.age); // 33.000000
print(p.name); // John Doe

HTTP Requests

response r = fetch("https://example.org")

print(r.status()) // 200
print(r.text()) // prints the whole response text

// we can also request json API's
response r = fetch("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts");

array p = r.json();

object firstPost = p[0];


Reading JSON

file f = file.open("assets/somefile.json", "r");
string contents = f.read();

object data = json.parse(contents);

Template strings

string name = "John";
string x = `hello ${name}`;

print(x); // hello John

More examples

For more examples, see examples


Q: Why did you create this language?

I was looking for a scripting-language to be used in a game I was developing, and I wanted something that came with vector operatons right out of the box (just like GLSL), but I also wanted it to be expressive like Javascript.

Q: How do I integrate it into my application / game ?

Have a look at this
If it's still not clear, feel free to create an issue or something with your question.

Q: What operating systems / platforms can this language run on?

It will most likely only work on Linux right now (maybe MacOS as well), but you're always welcome to contribute to support more platforms!

Q: Any other plans for this language?

It would be cool to add some frontends to the language, here's some I've had in mind:

That being said, I'm not sure I'd ever implement any of these ideas. I'm just using this for scripting a game I'm developing at the moment.

Q: Is there some kind of community?

I just threw together a Discord-server for whoever is interested, you can find it here

Q: Can I contribute?

Please do! Simply fork and create pull-requests :fire:

Syntax highlighting